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It's All Absolutely Fine: Life Is Complicated So I've Drawn It Instead

von Ruby Elliot

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11611243,383 (3.88)Keine
"Explore the highs and lows of modern life through the sharp, dark wit of Ruby Elliot--creator of the massively popular Tumblr account, Rubyetc, which has over 210k followers and growing. Ruby's simple drawings of not-so-simple issues capture the humor and melancholy of everyday life. Her comics appeal to both new adults who are beginning to explore these subjects and to battle-tested veterans of the daily struggles of life with mental illness."-- "Elliot shares insights into her life and the terrible and strange and hilarious things life can do to a person struggling with mental illness. Combining short introspective essays with simple drawings of not-so-simple issues, she captures the humor and melancholy of everyday life. From mood disorders, anxiety, and issues with body image through to existential conversations, her thoughts are inspirational, empowering, and entertaining."--… (mehr)
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I’ve enjoyed Ruby’s art on so had to borrow this when I spotted it in the library. ‘It’s All Absolutely Fine’ is a collection of her drawings and reflections on mental illness. Although I read it quickly, I found it moving and thoughtful. I particularly liked her comments on therapy:

What I’ve got a shot at controlling is the way I manage what’s happening. And that’s what I was in therapy for, not to be fixed, but to facilitate and support me finding some sort of way through my difficulties. Cos you know, I can sit there in the chair for fifty minutes, but I will always have to go away and deal with the other 10,030. Those minutes are mine. And I have the capacity, if not to be shiny happy people, to cut myself some slack when I’m suffering. And to allow the help and support in, rather than just dismiss it because I want evaporation of the ocean, not what feels like drops.

This was accompanied by a sketch of a therapist wearing a ‘Freud Says Relax’ t-shirt, because the book is also very funny. Ruby's comic about trying on bras is especially brilliant and accurate. And the drawings of creatures are all completely delightful. Also the comparison between penguins huddling for warmth and Londoners huddling under a bus stop in the rain: 'much like penguins except we are all angry and hate each other'. All in all, a very nice book with wise insights into mental health, dogs, and chickens. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
This was a tough read but a good one. I see a lot of people have shelved it as humor but I didn’t because while I noticed some humor I didn’t notice that much bcause I was focused on the serious and sad content.

I think she does an excellent job concisely explaining exactly what it feels like to have an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder) and it’s probably applicable for addiction too, of how the mind is so full of the obsession that there isn’t much room for much else including life experiences, relationships, etc. By the way she draws herself as fat but in photos she currently looks neither overweight nor too thin. Her anorexia started at age 14. She seems to have been only 22 when she was creating this book and it’s heartening about how much progress she’s made with her eating disorder and mental health issues which include anxiety and depression. She does a good job of explaining how managing mental health issues is complicated. I found the last illustration with text in the book particularly poignant and I’m glad that she included it and placed it in the book where she did. I also especially loved and appreciated the “in the same boat” cartoon.

I would read more of this author’s books!

3-1/2 stars

I read a Hoopla e-edition, not a Kindle edition this is shelved. It was the only way I could borrow this book from my public library. ( )
  Lisa2013 | Aug 27, 2023 |
Note: I received a digital galley of this book through NetGalley.
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
humor, comics / mental health (depression, manic depression, eating disorders, self harm and more)
Funny but also serious.
( )
  reader1009 | Jul 3, 2021 |
In the same vein as Hyperbole and a Half and Sarah's Scribbles but feels more raw and honest. Humor is darker.
Honest account of mental health
  Vantine | Apr 1, 2020 |
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"Explore the highs and lows of modern life through the sharp, dark wit of Ruby Elliot--creator of the massively popular Tumblr account, Rubyetc, which has over 210k followers and growing. Ruby's simple drawings of not-so-simple issues capture the humor and melancholy of everyday life. Her comics appeal to both new adults who are beginning to explore these subjects and to battle-tested veterans of the daily struggles of life with mental illness."-- "Elliot shares insights into her life and the terrible and strange and hilarious things life can do to a person struggling with mental illness. Combining short introspective essays with simple drawings of not-so-simple issues, she captures the humor and melancholy of everyday life. From mood disorders, anxiety, and issues with body image through to existential conversations, her thoughts are inspirational, empowering, and entertaining."--

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