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Making Out Like a Virgin: Sex, Desire & Intimacy After Sexual Trauma

von Catriona McHardy

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Making Out Like a Virgin: sex, desire & intimacy after sexual trauma is a unique and moving collection of personal nonfiction essays that detail how each writer has moved beyond mere survival of sexual trauma to unapologetically discover a sexually and emotionally thriving life. Making Out Like a Virgin is not a collection of victim narratives, nor a healing workbook. Instead, this book is a bold new addition to stories told by survivors. The mission of these writers is not to recount their individual trauma but to detail what has helped them reclaim both body and sexual desire. "Making out like a virgin" serves as a metaphor, giving permission to sizzle and seize the moment. By telling their stories, these writers share their strength and successes found somewhere between the big shifts and small intimate moments, inspiring others while furthering their own healing.… (mehr)
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Rather than doing a statistical analysis, providing a self-help book or writing a memoir with the point of view from a single person, Catriona McHardy, Cathy Plourde & Sue William Silverman invited 17 sexual trauma victims turned into survivors to tell their own stories or the lessons learned from the past. Making Out Like a Virgin: Sex, Desire & Intimacy After Sexual Trauma is a unique collection of women, men, and transgender, from the United States of America, but also Cairo, Dubai, Dublin, Melbourne, and Toronto. The survivors are now in their mid-20's to 60's.

Their contributions don't focus on the rape or other sexual assault in detail, nor the aggressors, although the way 'things' happened are described in both honest, superficial, or raw phrases. You will encounter consent, the need for power or transactional sex, incidents and lasting abuse. Sex separated from love, sex with minors, same-sex rape, drug-related sex, etc. You will meet queers before and after coming out, struggles to rediscover pleasure, and repositioning sex in a relationship and love. Some found healing in women's groups, others in practicing yoga, mindfulness, or traveling through South America.

The book's narrative go way beyond just survival but excels in flourishing as reborn humans, willing to educate others, remain faithful to their current partners, writing books or discovering the world around being not a horrible place. Broken vessels or damaged goods renewed! ( )
  hjvanderklis | Oct 18, 2016 |
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Making Out Like a Virgin: sex, desire & intimacy after sexual trauma is a unique and moving collection of personal nonfiction essays that detail how each writer has moved beyond mere survival of sexual trauma to unapologetically discover a sexually and emotionally thriving life. Making Out Like a Virgin is not a collection of victim narratives, nor a healing workbook. Instead, this book is a bold new addition to stories told by survivors. The mission of these writers is not to recount their individual trauma but to detail what has helped them reclaim both body and sexual desire. "Making out like a virgin" serves as a metaphor, giving permission to sizzle and seize the moment. By telling their stories, these writers share their strength and successes found somewhere between the big shifts and small intimate moments, inspiring others while furthering their own healing.

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