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Herr der bösen Wünsche. (1981)

von Mike Resnick

Weitere Autoren: Siehe Abschnitt Weitere Autoren.

Reihen: Birthright (1)

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1332212,695 (2.9)3
From the Hugo and Nebula Winning Author. Some call it the Dreamwish Beast. Others call it the Starduster. Some don't believe it exists at all. Others worship it. A handful will pay any price to kill it and display its remains. But it remains for one man, Nicobar Lane, the most accomplished hunter of the galactic era, to find out what it really is, to match wits and will power and skills against something that is both too alien and too familiar. Now that he knows the Dreamwish Beast exists, Lane becomes obsessed with killing it, much as Ahab was obsessed with killing the white whale…but the whale was an unthinking beast, while this one can establish contact with Lane long enough to ask what it has done to make Lane want to kill it. Join this Ahab as he reluctantly pursues the secrets buried inside him. Join this interstellar Moby Dick as he tempts and tortures his pursuer.… (mehr)
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I've read a few books by the author previously, but The Soul Eater is a new read for me. I see from the original 1981 publication date that this is one of his early works, but his distinctive style is already there. The major characters are larger than life, if not particularly relatable - more representatives of a type than human (or alien) beings with foibles and quirks. Consequently, the plot has the feel of a fable, or... almost a thought experiment, with a sense of inevitability. This isn't a negative criticism, and it's all very readable.

I didn't feel concerned about Nicobar Lane during his increasingly obsessive pursuit of the Dreamwish Beast, but I was definitely curious as to how far his obsession would take him, and what kind of person he would be when he got there.

Overall, an enjoyable short read, although I probably won't rush into re-reading it.
  MHThaung | Nov 3, 2020 |
What happens when a hunter becomes obsessed, even addicted to his prey?

Nothing ground-breaking here. A short little read that plays out as a psychological space opera. ( )
1 abstimmen aarondesk | Oct 7, 2008 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (2 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Mike ResnickHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Vallejo,DorianUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Prologue: Es gibt eine Welt, zum Kern der Galaxis hin gelegen, wo der Abendhimmel so hell ist, daß die meisten der Städte - Vorposten in Wirklichkeit - sich nie die Mühe gemacht haben, künstliche Beleuchtung zu installieren.
Text: Bei Tschaka war es brechend voll.
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From the Hugo and Nebula Winning Author. Some call it the Dreamwish Beast. Others call it the Starduster. Some don't believe it exists at all. Others worship it. A handful will pay any price to kill it and display its remains. But it remains for one man, Nicobar Lane, the most accomplished hunter of the galactic era, to find out what it really is, to match wits and will power and skills against something that is both too alien and too familiar. Now that he knows the Dreamwish Beast exists, Lane becomes obsessed with killing it, much as Ahab was obsessed with killing the white whale…but the whale was an unthinking beast, while this one can establish contact with Lane long enough to ask what it has done to make Lane want to kill it. Join this Ahab as he reluctantly pursues the secrets buried inside him. Join this interstellar Moby Dick as he tempts and tortures his pursuer.

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