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The Infernal Aether (Volume 1)

von Peter Oxley

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1011,894,427 (5)1
The Aether always held the universe together... but in the nineteenth century, it just might tear it apart. London, 1865. A world being torn apart by supernatural terrors. A drunken adventurer who just wants a quiet life. A genius whose inventions tend to make bad situations worse. A terrifying underworld of demons, spirits, golems and clockwork men. When an exiled demon uses the power of the Aether to create Hell on Earth, Augustus Potts and his friends must face their darkest fears to save everything-and everyone-they hold dear. Can Augustus stay sober long enough to foil the demon's plans? Will Victorian London ever be the same again? And what, exactly, is the Aether? Dickens' London has never seemed so terrifying. The Infernal Aether is the first book in a gothic fantasy series which has been described as "fantasy at its best", "epic" and"no-holds-barred". If you like page turners with unpredictable twists and chills then you'll love Peter Oxley's The Infernal Aether. Pick up The Infernal Aether and start exploring this terrifying new realm today.… (mehr)
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The Infernal Aether
By Peter Oxley
This was such a joy to read! It had all the elements I find great in a novel. There's creatures, demons, snarky characters ( the ones you least expect), time period of London in about 1860s (I think), one brother a genius inventor, the other has a sword that has magic, plenty of humor, unpredictable situations, great dialogue, and fun plot. My favorite character was the maid, ex-prostitute! Hilarious! She really was braver than the men!
I giggled a lot reading this book! Can't wait to read the rest in the series.
I want to thank the publisher and NetGalley for letting me read this terrific book. ( )
  MontzaleeW | Mar 18, 2023 |
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The Aether always held the universe together... but in the nineteenth century, it just might tear it apart. London, 1865. A world being torn apart by supernatural terrors. A drunken adventurer who just wants a quiet life. A genius whose inventions tend to make bad situations worse. A terrifying underworld of demons, spirits, golems and clockwork men. When an exiled demon uses the power of the Aether to create Hell on Earth, Augustus Potts and his friends must face their darkest fears to save everything-and everyone-they hold dear. Can Augustus stay sober long enough to foil the demon's plans? Will Victorian London ever be the same again? And what, exactly, is the Aether? Dickens' London has never seemed so terrifying. The Infernal Aether is the first book in a gothic fantasy series which has been described as "fantasy at its best", "epic" and"no-holds-barred". If you like page turners with unpredictable twists and chills then you'll love Peter Oxley's The Infernal Aether. Pick up The Infernal Aether and start exploring this terrifying new realm today.

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