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Twice Shy

von Loribelle Hunt

Reihen: Spellbound Moon (2)

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Harper is a witch on the run and the road ends in the only place offering sanctuary, the Redstar werewolf pack. But that safety comes with a price. They'll protect her from the men hunting her, but not from themselves. Jonas is a soldier, a defender of the pack. He wants a mate who can stand toe to toe with him and Harper can't. That doesn't change the need, the craving he has for her and when Mick brings the three of them together, he can't resist their collective charms. But can he protect them from the danger that comes stalking? Or will he lose her just as he discovers he can't live without her? And what about Mick? If he doesn't find a way to mend the mistakes of the past, he may lose them both.… (mehr)
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Super sexy menage tale!! Loved all the hot and steamy scenes. Well written story with lots of heart.

A really interesting world is created and I am loving this paranormal erotica! Can't wait for more!

Great engaging characters! Oh, Lord the steamy was hot and heavy!! And oh so delicious! ( )
  grapeapril75 | Oct 18, 2014 |
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Harper is a witch on the run and the road ends in the only place offering sanctuary, the Redstar werewolf pack. But that safety comes with a price. They'll protect her from the men hunting her, but not from themselves. Jonas is a soldier, a defender of the pack. He wants a mate who can stand toe to toe with him and Harper can't. That doesn't change the need, the craving he has for her and when Mick brings the three of them together, he can't resist their collective charms. But can he protect them from the danger that comes stalking? Or will he lose her just as he discovers he can't live without her? And what about Mick? If he doesn't find a way to mend the mistakes of the past, he may lose them both.

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