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I Know My Name

von C. J. Cooke

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1847153,318 (3.69)12
Appearing on the shores of a small Greek island with no memory of who she is or how she became shipwrecked, a woman discovers from her caregivers that she is the object of a dark mystery, while in a London suburb, a frantic husband searches for his missing wife.
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A woman has washed up on Komméno Island in Greece. She's alone and doesn't remember anything, not even her name. Lucky for her there's a small group of people who have rescued her and will take care of her for the time being. Meanwhile, back in London, Eloïse Shelley has left her toddler and her three-month-old baby by themselves and has vanished into thin air. Her husband, Lochlan, can see that nothing has been taken from their home and his wife hasn't taken her money, passport or her car. There's no sign of foul play. So what exactly is going on? Where is his wife?

This sounded so good. I was very excited to win a copy through a contest on Twitter - thank you Harper Collins Canada! But this book turned out to be a disappointing read for me. I found it extremely boring. The author goes back and forth from Komméno Island to London and both storylines were missing that spark that made me want to rush through the pages so I can find out what happened to Eloïse. The characters fell flat. I found it hard to pick the book back up after setting it down and could only get through a few pages at a time. There was a huge convenient part towards the end that just had me like 'ugh, what are the chances of that actually happening?' However I did like the setting of Komméno Island. It's deserted now, but had once been a nice tourist attraction with shops and a big hotel and a ferry coming back and forth from the big island of Crete. I'm glad I got the chance to read this because it was a book I desperately wanted to read, I'm just sorry I couldn't give it a better review. ( )
  jenn88 | Dec 31, 2022 |
I Know My Name by C.J. Cooke is one of those books that instantly, from the very first page makes me curious and engrossed. I'm really impressed with the fact that this is C.J. Cooke's first book. The writing pulls you in and to be honest, I had some serious problems with closing the book, despite the fact that I needed to get up early and the time just disappeared while I was reading the book.

The story shifts focus between Lochlan who discovers that his wife has gone missing without a trace, and a woman that is washed up on the shore of a remote Greek island with amnesia. This seems like a straightforward story, but is it really so? Without giving away too much, did I as the story progressed suspect how it would turn out, and yeah, I was on the right track. However, that only made the story more interesting to read, to see if I was right. I was also thrilled to read a book where the husband wasn't treated as a suspect from the very first minute. I could clearly picture how he would have to get on the run to find his wife to prove that he was innocent, but that never happened and that made me very glad.

I also found the ending to be very satisfying, and once again I face the trouble of trying to explain why without giving the story away. It's just that it could have ended more abrupt when Lochlan learns the truth, etc. However, the epilogue gives a more satisfying ending.

All and all is this a great book and I can't wait to read more books by C.J. Cooke.

I want to thank Grand Central Publishing for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review! ( )
  MaraBlaise | Jul 23, 2022 |
I Know My Name is an impressive thriller in which author C.J. Cooke employs two narrators. Eloise describes her ordeal on the small Greek island where she suddenly finds herself with absolutely no memories of how she got there or the life she left behind. Meanwhile, in alternating chapters, her husband, Lochlan, describes her sudden disappearance, his frantic attempts to discover her whereabouts, and learn why she suddenly abandoned their home and young children. He also details his dealings with Eloise's grandparents who raised her.

But Lochlan also divulges secrets he kept from Eloise. And reveals that their marriage was strained. Those stressors may or may not have contributed to Eloise's departure. As Eloise struggles to remember who she is, bits and pieces of her memory gradually return to her. She soon she's also fighting to survive.

Cooke deftly accelerates the pace of the two narratives, chapter by tense chapter, until eventually merge. At that point, answers about what transpired and why are revealed. But new, pressing questions about the future emerge.

I Know My Name is dark and atmospheric, and Eloise is a fascinating and memorable protagonist. Cooke maintains the suspense right up to the conclusion, exploring the story's disturbing themes through her characters' narratives.

With I Know My Name, Cooke has constructed a taut, evenly-paced, and very clever thriller. It is replete with plot twists, turns, and surprises. And she expertly constructs the tale in a manner that leads to an emotionally satisfying and thought-provoking conclusion.

Thanks to NetGalley for an Advance Reader's Copy of the book. ( )
  JHSColloquium | Jan 18, 2022 |
A woman has washed up on Komméno Island in Greece. She's alone and doesn't remember anything, not even her name. Lucky for her there's a small group of people who have rescued her and will take care of her for the time being. Meanwhile, back in London, Eloïse Shelley has left her toddler and her three-month-old baby by themselves and has vanished into thin air. Her husband, Lochlan, can see that nothing has been taken from their home and his wife hasn't taken her money, passport or her car. There's no sign of foul play. So what exactly is going on? Where is his wife?

This sounded so good. I was very excited to win a copy through a contest on Twitter - thank you Harper Collins Canada! But this book turned out to be a disappointing read for me. I found it extremely boring. The author goes back and forth from Komméno Island to London and both storylines were missing that spark that made me want to rush through the pages so I can find out what happened to Eloïse. The characters fell flat. I found it hard to pick the book back up after setting it down and could only get through a few pages at a time. There was a huge convenient part towards the end that just had me like 'ugh, what are the chances of that actually happening?' However I did like the setting of Komméno Island. It's deserted now, but had once been a nice tourist attraction with shops and a big hotel and a ferry coming back and forth from the big island of Crete. I'm glad I got the chance to read this because it was a book I desperately wanted to read, I'm just sorry I couldn't give it a better review. ( )
  jenn88 | May 7, 2018 |
This book is not at ALL what I expected. This psychological drama is sure to keep you guessing as the author transports the reader between past and present, and among different narrators as the reader works to unwind Eloise’s twisted secrets.

I LOVE psychological dramas. Typically, books with changing timelines or flipping narrators spark my interest, but I Know My Name had a bit too much of everything. The grandmother’s narrations, although brief, did not seem to fit the outward views other narrations gave her and Lochlan’s behavior and lack of parenting/husbandly duties rubbed me the wrong way early on. But, despite this, my “meh” feelings toward this book arise from the lack of an “ah ha” moment. The climax is so slowly untangled by the time you’ve reached the peak you’ve forgotten why it was thrilling to begin with.

For the full review visit:

*Disclaimer: A review copy of this book was provided via a Goodreads Giveaway in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  JillRey | May 7, 2018 |
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Appearing on the shores of a small Greek island with no memory of who she is or how she became shipwrecked, a woman discovers from her caregivers that she is the object of a dark mystery, while in a London suburb, a frantic husband searches for his missing wife.

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