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Cowboy Pride

von Lacy Williams

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3111794,027 (3.26)6
Fiction. Romance. HTML:

“Everyone knows a rancher in possession of a large spread needs a wife.”

First impressions count. Liza Bennett has two missions in life: keep the family’s shop afloat, and ensure her shy sister finds love. Sparks fly when she meets rancher Rob Darcy at a town dance, but when she overhears him insult her, she vows to put the man out of her mind. Rob Darcy is instantly attracted to the vivacious Liza but a lack of social graces and the promise he’s keeping ruin his chances of winning her.

Once jilted, Janie Bennett is appropriately gun-shy of falling in love again. But she doesn’t seem to be able to help herself when she meets charming Nathan Bingley. Bingley desperately wants a wife and family of his own. Can he trust that Janie returns his feelings?

When Janie is injured in a spring storm, she and Liza are sequestered on Nathan’s ranch. Hearts and emotions get tangled, but will first impressions prove true, or false?

Cowboy Pride is a Wild West version of Pride and Prejudice with dual love stories.

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Thus was a Big Library Read. Why? Needs editing. Silly story. A waste of my time. ( )
  cathy.lemann | Mar 21, 2023 |
Pretty much what I expected, a cowboy romance following the storyline of Pride & Prejudice. ( )
  Linyarai | Feb 16, 2020 |
Good but not great. The first two books in the series were much better ( )
  hungryfish | Apr 3, 2019 |
Cowboy Pride charmingly keeps the Pride and Prejudice romantic theme of people needing to grow before love can flourish. Liza and Rob both have to learn to see clearly. Janie and Nathan have to take risks despite their pasts. The propriety of Regency England translates well to the West especially as seen in Janie’s story. The West is shown through everyday details and determination to succeed. Cowboy Pride could be a match for someone wanting Pride and Prejudice romance, Western romance, and/or a sweet romance. ( )
  Roxanne_Reading | Mar 10, 2019 |
This is a retelling of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, set in the American West during the pioneer days.

Williams doesn't make the mistake of trying to make it too exact a match. The American West isn't Regency England. There are wealthy ranchers and social-climbing mamas, but there isn't nobility, and a female marshal is certainly an outlier, but not an impossibility.

And Mr. Bennett as a leather goods shop owner is respectably middle class, not beneath notice as merely being "in trade."

Among my favorite changes to the characters and story are William and Charlotte Collins. In Austen's work, Mr. Collins is contemptible and only to be sniggered at, while Charlotte's decision to marry him is cast as pragmatically understandable, but really a clue to a serious character flaw. Those aren't the Collinses we meet here.

Both Liza and Janie have somewhat more complicated personal histories than in Austen's work, and I like it.

Overall, of course, the book doesn't rise to Austen's level, but it's both a fine homage, and enjoyable in its own right.


I borrowed this book from the local public library. ( )
  LisCarey | Sep 19, 2018 |
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

“Everyone knows a rancher in possession of a large spread needs a wife.”

First impressions count. Liza Bennett has two missions in life: keep the family’s shop afloat, and ensure her shy sister finds love. Sparks fly when she meets rancher Rob Darcy at a town dance, but when she overhears him insult her, she vows to put the man out of her mind. Rob Darcy is instantly attracted to the vivacious Liza but a lack of social graces and the promise he’s keeping ruin his chances of winning her.

Once jilted, Janie Bennett is appropriately gun-shy of falling in love again. But she doesn’t seem to be able to help herself when she meets charming Nathan Bingley. Bingley desperately wants a wife and family of his own. Can he trust that Janie returns his feelings?

When Janie is injured in a spring storm, she and Liza are sequestered on Nathan’s ranch. Hearts and emotions get tangled, but will first impressions prove true, or false?

Cowboy Pride is a Wild West version of Pride and Prejudice with dual love stories.


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