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Leaning Into Always (Leaning Into, #2)

von Lane Hayes

Reihen: Leaning Into (2)

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Life is good for Eric Schuster. He owns a highly successful tech company, has a great group of buddies, and he's about to marry his best friend, the man of his dreams. Eric is pleasantly surprised to find the transition from friends to lovers has been easier than he thought. But after running into an overly friendly ex-boyfriend on an impromptu trip to their shared hometown, Eric realizes things are about to get complicated. Zane Richards is a quintessential California surfer dude turned professional sailor. His laid-back approach has helped him navigate difficult times in his life. Eric may not share his easy-going mindset but Zane knows without a doubt Eric is the one. However, carving a future together may require confronting a piece of the past Zane thought he'd left far behind. Both men will have to decide if they're willing to risk what they know for a chance to lean into always.… (mehr)
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I like the way that Ms Hayes kept the books almost short vignettes. They give us different views of both Zane and Eric. I guess it keeps the stories charming. I totally enjoyed the real time near the end where Zane opened up about Eric being the ultimate. These stories will leave you smiling. ( )
  Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
2,5 stars ( )
  Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |
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Life is good for Eric Schuster. He owns a highly successful tech company, has a great group of buddies, and he's about to marry his best friend, the man of his dreams. Eric is pleasantly surprised to find the transition from friends to lovers has been easier than he thought. But after running into an overly friendly ex-boyfriend on an impromptu trip to their shared hometown, Eric realizes things are about to get complicated. Zane Richards is a quintessential California surfer dude turned professional sailor. His laid-back approach has helped him navigate difficult times in his life. Eric may not share his easy-going mindset but Zane knows without a doubt Eric is the one. However, carving a future together may require confronting a piece of the past Zane thought he'd left far behind. Both men will have to decide if they're willing to risk what they know for a chance to lean into always.

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