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von Penelope Douglas

Reihen: Devil's Night (2)

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Banks: Buried in the shadows of the city, there's a hotel called The Pope. Ailing, empty, and dark, it sits abandoned and surrounded by a forgotten mystery. But you think it's true, don't you, Kai Mori? The story about the hidden twelfth floor. The mystery of the dark guest who never checked in and never checks out. You think I can help you find that secret hideaway and get to him, don't you? I will never betray him. So sit tight. On Devil's Night, the hunt will be coming to you. Kai: You have no idea what I seek, Little One. You don't know what I had to become to survive three years in prison for a crime I would gladly commit again. I want that hotel, I want to find him, and I want this over. I want my life back. But the more I'm around you, the more I realize this new me is exactly who I was meant to be. So come on, kid. Don't chicken out. My house is on the hill. So many ways in, and good luck finding your way out. I've seen your hideaway. Time to see mine. Contains mature themes.… (mehr)
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[b:Hideaway|29082755|Hideaway (Devil's Night, #2)|Penelope Douglas||49314977]
Hardcore Horsemen Fan

Oh my, what a delicious ride Hideaway is. An epic dark romance, filled with surprises and suspense. This much anticipated next chapter to the consuming Devil's Night series was so worth the wait. Diving more into Kai's world, and the mystery of Banks, will have you up till late hours of the night, devouring this story, and for me, loving these books and this group of characters even more. Kai Mori never thought the threats from the past were buried, not with Damon still out there. He fears more than the others, that he will be back and that the Horseman and their closest friends need to watch out and be prepared for the darkness that is coming their way. If you have not read book one stop here and go read Corrupt Right NOW! When Kai tries to make a deal with the devil himself, Damon’s father Gabriel, he never expected to run into Banks, the girl he could not get out of his mind from six years ago. Banks has also watched Kai from a far for years now, always wanting what she knew she could never have with him. Banks finds herself confused, pulled in two different directions. Her loyalty to Damon, which is all she knows. Finding him and keeping him safe is what she needs to do. But then there is Kai, who she tries to keep at a distant, and not give into temptation whenever he is near. He could ruin everything she is been working for. Kai is a bit of a mystery, a good guy, who does not see that about himself. Kai feels he must hide a lot of who he is, the darker parts, his needs and thoughts, things to dark, he feels, for some to handle if they saw the real him. Banks seems to be his beautiful compliment in a partner there is enough of dark and light to make a beautiful Ying-Yang.
I enjoyed the first book and this follow-up kept me on my toes. Getting to know Kai and be introduced to Banks was a great addition to the storyline. Their history was bittersweet, and their eventual reunion and getting to finish what they started, was super-HOT!! Penelope Douglas's writing is addicting. Hideaway was intense, a perfect blend of scary, sexy, and it left me craving so much more in this wild world of the Horsemen. I am slowly becoming a Penelope Douglas super fan and I love every minute of it. I loved being able to get almost a behind the curtain look at Damon and Banks and their dynamic and I loved how the story progresses beautifully to a point making the reader beg for book three. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
I loved this one so much better then Corrupt. Banks and Kai's story is so much more interesting then Michael and Rika. Banks is such a unique and complicated character. This series is so perfect for spooky times and I'm sad to see it end. Can't wait to read the 3rd book. ( )
  ALYSSAALBANESE | Jan 18, 2023 |
>Check out pendouglas on Spotify for the killer playlist while reading ( )
  The_Literary_Jedi | Apr 30, 2022 |
OMG I loved this book. Kai and Banks were such unique characters that connected from the start. The way Banks and Kai's characters were told and written were amazing. The author didn't rush us or slow us down in this book. The fight between the girls was so thrilling to watch. The girls also seducing the boys where so hot ad funny lol. Pen is such a talented reader and I can't wait to read Kill Switch next and get to read more about Damon's character and the way his mind works. ( )
  Fehime | Oct 24, 2021 |
i loooooved this one!!

i adore kai, and i really loved banks. i thought she was just so much more enjoyable to read about than rika, she was tough and interesting and i liked that she didnt come across as effortlessly gorgeous with the body of a model (like rika smh)

i thought the dual timelines was much better done here, as well as the two different povs ( )
  beethovensfruit | Aug 21, 2021 |
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Banks: Buried in the shadows of the city, there's a hotel called The Pope. Ailing, empty, and dark, it sits abandoned and surrounded by a forgotten mystery. But you think it's true, don't you, Kai Mori? The story about the hidden twelfth floor. The mystery of the dark guest who never checked in and never checks out. You think I can help you find that secret hideaway and get to him, don't you? I will never betray him. So sit tight. On Devil's Night, the hunt will be coming to you. Kai: You have no idea what I seek, Little One. You don't know what I had to become to survive three years in prison for a crime I would gladly commit again. I want that hotel, I want to find him, and I want this over. I want my life back. But the more I'm around you, the more I realize this new me is exactly who I was meant to be. So come on, kid. Don't chicken out. My house is on the hill. So many ways in, and good luck finding your way out. I've seen your hideaway. Time to see mine. Contains mature themes.

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