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Adjustment Day (2018)

von Chuck Palahniuk

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5031650,543 (3.1)1
The author of Fight Club takes America beyond our darkest dreams in this timely satire. People pass the word only to those they trust most: Adjustment Day is coming. They've been reading a mysterious blue-black book and memorizing its directives. They are ready for the reckoning. In this ingeniously comic work, the author's first novel in four years, Chuck Palahniuk does what he does best: skewer the absurdities in our society. Smug, geriatric politicians hatch a nasty fate for the burgeoning population of young males; working-class men dream of burying the elites; and professors propound theories that offer students only the bleakest future. When it arrives, Adjustment Day inaugurates the new, disunited states. In this mind-blowing novel, Palahniuk--an equal-opportunity offender--fearlessly makes real the logical conclusion of every separatist fantasy, alternative fact, and conspiracy theory lurking in the American psyche.… (mehr)
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I think it takes someone who's really had their finger on the button of fringe politics for a number of years to truly appreciate Adjustment Day, its humor, and what it's going for. It's certainly not going to appeal to everyone.

It's a serious thought experiment on a national divorce. And what's satire is up to you. The black ethnostate is curing cancer and creating a utopia, while the white ethnostate is regressing to feudalism. If you want to take that at face value? Then it's completely shielded itself from accusations of racism. But it it's satire it's story and dialogue are hilariously over the top. And it goes the other way too - with LGBT west coast in shambles as it tries to tackle its obvious fertility issues in draconian ways.

Granted, it's not for everyone, but if you get it, you get it. I absolutely loved this. ( )
  LonelyChampion | Oct 17, 2023 |
I read more than halfway and just did not see the value in continuing. ( )
  RickGeissal | Aug 16, 2023 |
Wow, Chuck, wow. If you’ve seen my reviews, you know I’m a fan, but wow. Pretty relevant to the times (ish), no idea where he comes up with his ideas, and really couldn’t figure out where this one would end up. All in all, very enjoyable, if you like Chucks stuff.

Oh, and uh, in the book they talk about taking left ears, but the ones on the cover are right ears…c’mon! ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
Boy, was this awful! It was only a little over 300 pages and felt like a thousand never-ending pages. It was not that it was offensive (isn't that his point?) but it was just plodding and mind-numbing. I started to think that maybe satire is just dead when we live a world where life has become satire and it's hard to know the difference anymore but I think it's just a really badly written book. There was also a lot of really, incredibly gross imagery, descriptions and actions just for the sake of grossness. I would have preferred he try to be clever instead. Silly me. I really liked prior books by him but this was a big disappointment. ( )
  JediBookLover | Oct 29, 2022 |
Serious slog ( )
  TanyaTomato | Aug 5, 2022 |
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The author of Fight Club takes America beyond our darkest dreams in this timely satire. People pass the word only to those they trust most: Adjustment Day is coming. They've been reading a mysterious blue-black book and memorizing its directives. They are ready for the reckoning. In this ingeniously comic work, the author's first novel in four years, Chuck Palahniuk does what he does best: skewer the absurdities in our society. Smug, geriatric politicians hatch a nasty fate for the burgeoning population of young males; working-class men dream of burying the elites; and professors propound theories that offer students only the bleakest future. When it arrives, Adjustment Day inaugurates the new, disunited states. In this mind-blowing novel, Palahniuk--an equal-opportunity offender--fearlessly makes real the logical conclusion of every separatist fantasy, alternative fact, and conspiracy theory lurking in the American psyche.

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Durchschnitt: (3.1)
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4 12
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5 8

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