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Blackberry and Wild Rose

von Sonia Velton

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11111253,892 (4.02)2
Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Set in eighteenth-century Spitalfields, London, Blackberry and Wild Rose is the rich and atmospheric tale of a household of Huguenot silk weavers as the pursuit of the perfect silk design leads them all into ambition, love, and betrayal.

When Esther Thorel, wife of a master silk weaver, rescues Sara Kemp from a brothel, she thinks she is doing God's will, but her good deed is not returned. Sara quickly realizes that the Thorel household is built on hypocrisy and lies and soon tires of the drudgery of life as Esther's new lady's maid. As the two women's relationship becomes increasingly fractious, Sara resolves to find out what it is that so preoccupies her mistress ...

Esther has long yearned to be a silk designer. When her early water colors are dismissed by her husband, Elias, as the daubs of a foolish girl, she continues her attempts in secret. It may have been that none of them would ever have become actual silks, were it not for the presence of the extraordinarily talented Bisby Lambert in the Thorel household. Brought in by Elias to weave his masterpiece on the Thorel's loom in the attic of their house in Spitalfields, the strange cadence of the loom as Bisby works is like a siren call to Esther. The minute she first sets foot in the garret and sees Bisby Lambert at his loom, marks the beginning of Blackberry and Wild Rose, the most exquisite silk design Spitalfields has ever seen, and the end of the Thorel household's veneer of perfection.

As unrest among the journeyman silk weavers boils over into riot and rebellion, it leads to a devastating day of reckoning between Esther and Sara.

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An interesting tale set in the Huguenot silk weaving community of London in the 18th century. Sara Kemp arrives in the city with a reference address in hand, but confused by the hustle and bustle of the city, she allows herself to be taken in by a sympathetic older woman. Mrs. Swann is a brothel keeper who drugs the innocent girl and sets her to work. After a customer leaves her near death, Sara runs away, seeking help from Esther Tholer, a master weaver's wife who had spoken kindly to her in the street and sent a Bible to Sara in the brothel. Although she keeps it a secret, Esther's own mother was a reformed prostitute, and she hopes to redeem the girl by offering her a position as her lady's maid. Her only conditions are that Sara remain virtuous and repay the money she was given to purchase her freedom from the brothel.

Esther's other secret is her dream of designing silk patterns for her husband's business. She is a skilled artist, but Elias scoffs at her endeavors and urges her to stick to managing the household. But she persuades Bisby Lambert, a weaver working on his master submission in their garret, to weave her design. As their mutual admiration blossoms, so does Sara's relationship with another weaver, John Barnstable, a rabble rouser inciting the weavers to join in making demands on silk dealers like Elias Tholer. Rebellion, for all involved, has its consequences, changing even the women's lives forever.

I enjoyed Velton's detailed descriptions of the everyday lives of women, households, and the weaver's trade, and her characters were engaging and believable. ( )
  Cariola | Mar 10, 2021 |
Blackberry and Wild Rose has been well researched. It is set in eighteenth century London amid the Huguenot silk weavers, and tells the story of two women, Esther, the wife of a master weaver, and the other, Sara, a young girl who had been working as a prostitute until Esther helps her to escape that life. This fast-paced story is told from the perspectives of the two strong female characters.

The cover excited me before I'd even started listening to the story. Its design reminded me of the ornate fabrics used in those times.

Esther Thorel's husband, Elias, is a master silk weaver. He would have had more doors opened to him, had he married within the Huguenot community, but he chose to marry against his family's wishes, and accepted that he had to had to take a back seat in all things. The Thorels are childless but his priority is his business, not his wife. Esther longs to create her own silk designs, but Elias dismisses her, telling her she does not understand his business, and should go back to her charitable works.

Sara Kemp is the daughter of a servant. Her mother sends her to London to make her way in the world, giving her the address of someone who will help her settle. Unfortunately, Mrs Swann, a brothel keeper, sees the pretty young girl alight from the coach and lures her to the Wig and Feathers tavern, where she is drugged, robbed and put to work as a prostitute.

While Esther is delivering bibles for Pastor Gabeau, she witnesses a young girl being badly treated by an older woman, and intervenes. This is how Esther first meets Sara, and decides to help her into a respectable position.

I absolutely loved this beautifully narrated audio book, and was enthralled from the first chapter. I was captivated with the comprehensive descriptions of the working of the silk looms which helped me visualise the journeyman weaving while his draw boy controlled the warp thread. I was also interested in the economics of the time, learning about the Indian calicos and cheaper silk imports which threatened the weavers' livelihoods.

Blackberry and Wild Rose was compulsive listening and I'd highly recommend to readers who enjoy historical fiction. ( )
  Deborah_J_Miles | Oct 1, 2020 |
Loosely based on the life of Anna Maria Garthwaite, a famous Spitalfield silk pattern designer of the 18th century, called herein Esther Thorel. Many of her works can be seen in Britain's V & A Museum. Bittersweet novel, but fascinating for its details about weaving of that period. The title derives from the name of Esther's first attempt at design.

Highly recommended. ( )
  janerawoof | Sep 24, 2019 |
Set in 18th century London, this story transports you immediately to the world of the Huguenot silk weavers. The descriptions are vivid from the underbelly of London's whore houses to the upper middle class homes of the silk merchants. This novel revolves around two women, Sara Kemp, a prostitute and Esther Thorel, the wife of a very well-respected silk merchant. And although Sara and Esther have very different social stations in life, as women, their choices are dictated by the men around them. I loved this story - great pacing, complex characters and such a compelling story. ( )
  jmoncton | Jun 29, 2019 |
This is the debut historical novel for Velton. She sets her story in the 1760s amidst the French Huguenot silk weavers of London. The book is told from the points of view of two disparate women – one a silk weaver’s wife and the other a young woman forced into prostitution. Both women want something different for their lives, but see no way to change the lives they are living.

With its unique setting told by two women, expectations for this book will be high. However, while Velton did the research of the era and got it down on the page so that the reader can almost feel like she’s in 18th century London, she was unable to do the same justice to her characters. On the surface, the two women seem well-developed, but as the reader gets deeper into the book, it is hard to differentiate between them despite their differences. Hopefully, Velton will continue improving her craft and learn how to write more fully developed characters.

If you love historical fiction, you should add this book to your TBR list/pile. While it has flaws, they are not fatal and can be overlooked in order to fully enjoy the late 1700s and silk weavers of London.

Thanks to Quercus and NetGalley for the eARC. ( )
  OldFriend | May 26, 2019 |
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Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Set in eighteenth-century Spitalfields, London, Blackberry and Wild Rose is the rich and atmospheric tale of a household of Huguenot silk weavers as the pursuit of the perfect silk design leads them all into ambition, love, and betrayal.

When Esther Thorel, wife of a master silk weaver, rescues Sara Kemp from a brothel, she thinks she is doing God's will, but her good deed is not returned. Sara quickly realizes that the Thorel household is built on hypocrisy and lies and soon tires of the drudgery of life as Esther's new lady's maid. As the two women's relationship becomes increasingly fractious, Sara resolves to find out what it is that so preoccupies her mistress ...

Esther has long yearned to be a silk designer. When her early water colors are dismissed by her husband, Elias, as the daubs of a foolish girl, she continues her attempts in secret. It may have been that none of them would ever have become actual silks, were it not for the presence of the extraordinarily talented Bisby Lambert in the Thorel household. Brought in by Elias to weave his masterpiece on the Thorel's loom in the attic of their house in Spitalfields, the strange cadence of the loom as Bisby works is like a siren call to Esther. The minute she first sets foot in the garret and sees Bisby Lambert at his loom, marks the beginning of Blackberry and Wild Rose, the most exquisite silk design Spitalfields has ever seen, and the end of the Thorel household's veneer of perfection.

As unrest among the journeyman silk weavers boils over into riot and rebellion, it leads to a devastating day of reckoning between Esther and Sara.


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