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No One Ever Asked: A Novel (2018)

von Katie Ganshert

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14810191,274 (4.38)3
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:Challenging perceptions of discrimination and prejudice, this emotionally resonant drama for readers of Lisa Wingate and Jodi Picoult explores three different women navigating challenges in a changing school districtand in their lives.
When an impoverished school district loses its accreditation and the affluent community of Crystal Ridge has no choice but to open their school doors, the lives of three very different women converge: Camille Graythe wife of an executive, mother of three, long-standing PTA chairwoman and champion fundraiserfaced with a shocking discovery that threatens to tear her picture-perfect world apart at the seams. Jen Covington, the career nurse whose long, painful journey to motherhood finally resulted in adoption but she is struggling with a happily-ever-after so much harder than she anticipated. Twenty-two-year-old Anaya Jonesthe first woman in her family to graduate college and a brand new teacher at Crystal Ridge's top elementary school, unprepared for the powder-keg situation she's stepped into. Tensions rise within and without, culminating in an unforeseen event that impacts them all. This story explores the implicit biases impacting American society, and asks the ultimate question: What does it mean to be human? Why are we so quick to put labels on each other and categorize people as "this" or "that", when such complexity exists in each person?… (mehr)
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Having lived through a similar experience and something that I see and deal with almost every day, the topic of this book intrigued me. What happens when a affluent school is forced to deal with the loss of accreditation of a struggling and low-income minority school system. I've seen the forces at play so thought it would be interesting to read about from the points of few Ms. Ganshert introduces us too. I was also intrigued with how a White writer would tackle some of the subtle issue. I have to say I was pleasant surprised, I think Ms. Ganshert did an excellent job and some aspects resonated with me and I liked that she introduced these idea to an audience that probably doesn't deal with them on a daily basis. I wonder how many of her readers were like the O'Hare principal and had no idea who Emmett Till was. That idea is heartbreaking to me but I imagine many readers are learning about him for the first time. Her details regarding Tamir Rice were very well laid out and I appreciate reading about it from her point of view. I think this is a great book- a great story that is well thought-out. So much of it rang true and the characters are real ( not felt real, I feel like she did this characters almost perfectly) I could not put this book down and will definite recommend this books in every time a mom ask for a book recommendation in every single mom group I am in. This should be required reading.

I recivied a free copy of this book from NetGalley. ( )
  sunshine608 | Feb 2, 2021 |
This was such a great read! I haven't read anything by Katie Ganshert before but this came highly recommended by some of my reading friends and it did not disappoint. It was such an engrossing novel that covered so many hard but important topics that anyone that lives in this country could relate to. She was able to portray the characters with such great detail that I could connect with them and really see things from their perspective. it was a story of challenges but also hope. There was tension that built over the course of the story and it kept me totally engaged. I highly recommend this book. Thank you to Netgalley and WaterBrook Publishing for gifting me a copy in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  genthebookworm | Dec 19, 2020 |
“Forgiveness isn’t a pardon for them, it’s freedom for you.”

WOW, just WOW. We read for many reasons: to escape, to learn, to understand. This book was so much more than I expected! You will feel every emotion reading this. You will be able to relate to the majority of the situations and characters. Well written and heart felt. Please make sure you read the powerful author’s note. This is my first 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 review of 2019.

This story is told by 3 voices. Camille, mom extraordinare, but at what cost? Jen, newly adoptive mom with attachment issues to a 7 yo African American child who has seen too much. Anaya, brand new teacher, who wants to make a difference, but not where she wanted or expected! A wealthy white school is being segregated with students from a failing black school, this maybe the main center of the story, but there is so much more to this book. This book is about racism, adoption, parenting, gun control, love, segregation, sexual harassment, health, disappointments, stereotypes, friendship but most of all Faith. Our mistakes should not define us, as long as we grow and learn from them.

After being turned down for this book a few months ago from NetGalley, I was happy to see it was being offered on Edelweiss. Thank you to Edelweiss and the author for allowing me the opportunity to read this ARC. Opinion is my own.

Be the Change!

( )
  LoriKBoyd | Mar 24, 2020 |
Wow, what a book! This book held my attention all the way through and never let go. The pacing is fantastic, and it is written very well.

I did have a few problems though. I did not like the character of Anaya. If anyone was judgmental and racist in this book, it was her. She refused to help a girl on her track team get scouted all because the girl was white and rich. She didn't know her problems. However, she was happy to help a black girl get noticed. Anaya was a teacher, yet she paid more attention to the black kids in the class. Anaya seemed to lump all white people into one group and seemed to think all white people were privileged and horrible.

I did like the characters of Camille and Jen though. Poor Camille had so much happening to her, and Jen definitely had her hands full with a newly adopted daughter.

I will say that all of the characters were written well and realistic. I didn't like how the author always made some of the white people have physical flaws like how one lady was described as being able to tell she had been fat formally. Another white person had eyes that were too close together. I just felt that a lot of this book was racism against white people. Yes, I am aware the author is white. But I felt like this book was trying (but failing) to make me feel guilty about the color of my skin.

I did feel like the ending was a little predictable, but I'm glad that everyone did get over their fears although Anaya seemed to still be a bit prejudiced and racist.

It was nice that this book wasn't too preachy even though there are talks of God and scripture.

Even though I had a few gripes about this book, it was still an enjoyable book. ( )
  khal_khaleesi | Nov 16, 2019 |
If you want a book that will challenge your attitudes, convictions, and, yes, secret prejudices, then you will want to read No One Ever Asked by Katie Ganshert. Inspired by the real life state takeover of a Missouri school district and the ensuing uproar that followed, Ganshert’s novel is full of characters that will touch your heart, make you angry, and perhaps cause you to reexamine your own choices and beliefs. I found this novel not only to be a well-written and thoughtful look at the hidden and not so hidden middle America, but one that offers hope and healing in the face of anger, fear, and broken relationships. This one is a highly recommended read.

There are three main characters in No One Ever Asked. Camille epitomizes the oh-so put together wife and mother whose smugness about her perfect life is brought down in humbling ways. Anaya is an eager young woman of color who wants to make a difference in her own community, but feels she has sold out to teach in a majority white school district. Jennifer is a struggling new mother to an adoptive daughter whose past trauma and current cultural challenges make Jennifer feel disconnected to her daughter. All three women are presented in a realistic way — there’s no sugar coating of their inner turmoil. In fact, I loved the revelation of their very private thoughts. None are perfect, and I found some of their struggles hit close to home. Amidst the angst, Ganshert gives the reader glimpses of hope, and healing comes in unexpected ways. At the end of the book, I felt I was leaving friends. Specific to the audiobook — the reader had a great sense of timing and gave each woman (and other characters) a distinctive voice, not only in accent, but in tone as well.

No One Ever Asked was a book that will make you stop and think. It is also one that demands discussion. Grab some friends and read this book together. The ensuing conversation may just lead to growth for you and your friends as well.

Highly Recommended.

Great for Book Clubs.

Audience: adults.

(I purchased the audiobook from Audible. All opinions expressed are mine alone.) ( )
  vintagebeckie | Mar 25, 2019 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:Challenging perceptions of discrimination and prejudice, this emotionally resonant drama for readers of Lisa Wingate and Jodi Picoult explores three different women navigating challenges in a changing school districtand in their lives.
When an impoverished school district loses its accreditation and the affluent community of Crystal Ridge has no choice but to open their school doors, the lives of three very different women converge: Camille Graythe wife of an executive, mother of three, long-standing PTA chairwoman and champion fundraiserfaced with a shocking discovery that threatens to tear her picture-perfect world apart at the seams. Jen Covington, the career nurse whose long, painful journey to motherhood finally resulted in adoption but she is struggling with a happily-ever-after so much harder than she anticipated. Twenty-two-year-old Anaya Jonesthe first woman in her family to graduate college and a brand new teacher at Crystal Ridge's top elementary school, unprepared for the powder-keg situation she's stepped into. Tensions rise within and without, culminating in an unforeseen event that impacts them all. This story explores the implicit biases impacting American society, and asks the ultimate question: What does it mean to be human? Why are we so quick to put labels on each other and categorize people as "this" or "that", when such complexity exists in each person?

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