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Yes We (Still) Can: Politics in the Age of Obama, Twitter, and Trump

von Dan Pfeiffer

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26813103,097 (3.93)6
Biography & Autobiography. Politics. Nonfiction. HTML:From Obama's former communications director and current co-host of Pod Save America comes a colorful account of how politics, the media, and the Internet changed during the Obama presidency and how Democrats can fight back in the Trump era.
On November 9th, 2016, Dan Pfeiffer woke up like most of the world wondering WTF just happened. How had Donald Trump won the White House? How was it that a decent and thoughtful president had been succeeded by a buffoonish reality star, and what do we do now?
Instead of throwing away his phone and moving to another country (which were his first and second thoughts), Pfeiffer decided to tell this surreal story, recounting how Barack Obama navigated the insane political forces that created Trump, explaining why everyone got 2016 wrong, and offering a path for where Democrats go from here.
Pfeiffer was one of Obama's first hires when he decided to run for president, and was at his side through two presidential campaigns and six years in the White House. Using never-before-heard stories and behind-the-scenes anecdotes, Yes We (Still) Can examines how Obama succeeded despite Twitter trolls, Fox News (and their fake news), and a Republican Party that lost its collective mind.
An irreverent, no-BS take on the crazy politics of our time, Yes We (Still) Can is a must-read for everyone who is disturbed by Trump, misses Obama, and is marching, calling, and hoping for a better future for the country.
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I really enjoyed this book. It wasn't on my 'to-read' list – no shade to Dan Pfeiffer, who I enjoy greatly on Pod Save America. But when I saw an available e-copy on my local library site, I grabbed it. I found it engaging, and the synthesis of memoir, analysis of how we (the U.S.) reached this stage of integration of media, internet, and politics, and lessons for moving forward is well done. ( )
  LizzK | Dec 8, 2023 |
It's an engaging read that makes fun use of footnotes and reads authentically. This book is for fans of Obama, friends of the pod, or people who just want to know how campaigns are run. ( )
  thenthomwaslike | Jul 24, 2023 |
Interesting look at how media and politics have changed over the past 10 years in America. If you are looking for a White House political memoir, this is a little lacking. It’s more a critique of American media and the way political parties are run. Dan does pepper in some stories about his time on the campaign and in the White House. But if you are looking for a White House, I’d recommend ‘Who thought this would be a good idea’. ( )
  thewestwing | Aug 12, 2022 |
We seem to be reaching a critical mass of White House memoirs. But, as a Pod Save America fan, I couldn’t pass up Dan Pfieffer’s memoir of his time before, during and after as White House Communications Director during the Obama administration. This book clearly panders to his own audience and demographic, it’s not a book that’s going to cross party lines or anything (his vicious yet accurate description of Mitch McConnell is pure gold). And, honestly that’s a shame, because he offers some pretty interesting insight into things like the rise of “fake news,” communication missteps during the Obama administration and how working for the White House should really come with an FDA health warning. ( )
  MC_Rolon | Jun 15, 2022 |
Pfeiffer provides a short nostalgic trip back to the Obama presidency and his duties as communications director. Throughout the book, Pfeiffer provides comparisons to how the Obama administration handled things vs. what the Trump administration does now. He blasts Fox News (with the exception of Chris Wallace) and recounts a number of insider stories on how successful the Obama White House was in communications and when they were not. There are some great insights into the two campaigns for Presidency and that can serve as a template for future Democratic candidates.

No leaks. No scandals. No Drama Obama. No embarrassing tweets. No racist comments. God, how I miss those days.

I loved this characterization of Obama by David Plouffe. Barack Obama is a "Chess Player in a city of Checker Players."

Great read. Interesting stories and insights... ( )
  writemoves | Jun 17, 2019 |
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Biography & Autobiography. Politics. Nonfiction. HTML:From Obama's former communications director and current co-host of Pod Save America comes a colorful account of how politics, the media, and the Internet changed during the Obama presidency and how Democrats can fight back in the Trump era.
On November 9th, 2016, Dan Pfeiffer woke up like most of the world wondering WTF just happened. How had Donald Trump won the White House? How was it that a decent and thoughtful president had been succeeded by a buffoonish reality star, and what do we do now?
Instead of throwing away his phone and moving to another country (which were his first and second thoughts), Pfeiffer decided to tell this surreal story, recounting how Barack Obama navigated the insane political forces that created Trump, explaining why everyone got 2016 wrong, and offering a path for where Democrats go from here.
Pfeiffer was one of Obama's first hires when he decided to run for president, and was at his side through two presidential campaigns and six years in the White House. Using never-before-heard stories and behind-the-scenes anecdotes, Yes We (Still) Can examines how Obama succeeded despite Twitter trolls, Fox News (and their fake news), and a Republican Party that lost its collective mind.
An irreverent, no-BS take on the crazy politics of our time, Yes We (Still) Can is a must-read for everyone who is disturbed by Trump, misses Obama, and is marching, calling, and hoping for a better future for the country.

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