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Women and Stress: A Practical Approach to Managing Tension

von Jean Lush

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1353209,468 (4.33)Keine
Biography & Autobiography. Religion & Spirituality. Young Adult Nonfiction. HTML:

It's easy to go through days, weeks, even years on autopilot, moving from one activity to another, rarely taking the time to consider what it's all for anyway. Why did God make us? What does he want us to do with the time he has given us? And how can we find out?
In her bestselling story-driven style, Christian rocker Lacey Sturm shares with readers the beautiful struggle of learning what one's unique gifts are and pursuing them wholeheartedly. She helps them see each day as a gift from God, find balance in their busy lives, and discover the joy of giving God's gifts back to him by using them to bring him glory.
Young people especially will love this openhanded and openhearted take on what to do with their lives, as will those who feel like they've been coasting or heading down the wrong path.

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Interesting. Questioning. Passionate.

Lacey Strum's The Return is filled with a passionate love for God, and others. I love the cover of this beautiful book, though getting it in the mail was unexpected due to signing up for a blind date with a book and not knowing what book I would get. I was pleasantly surprised at the pretty cover.

While I enjoyed this nonfiction, journal format-like story, and a good bit of the book I did not agree with several parts of Strum's views (like being vegan and her reasons for it.) and that's just my beliefs so yes, I recommend this book to mature Christians and those struggling with the same things the author struggled with I don't believe this is for younger readers.

Recommendation: 18 up due to content: mentions of suicide, mentions of talking about how a man believes that God understands about him contiguously looking at porn and the author's disagreement with him, and other mature subjects.

Rating: 3 stars. ( )
  abigailkayharris | Jan 1, 2024 |
Synopsis: It's easy to go through days, weeks, even years on autopilot, moving from one activity to another, rarely taking the time to consider what it's all for anyway. Why did God make us? What does he want us to do with the time he has given us? And how can we find out?

In her bestselling story-driven style, Christian rocker Lacey Sturm shares with readers the beautiful struggle of learning what one's unique gifts are and pursuing them wholeheartedly. She helps them see each day as a gift from God, find balance in their busy lives, and discover the joy of giving God's gifts back to him by using them to bring him glory.

Young people especially will love this openhanded and openhearted take on what to do with their lives, as will those who feel like they've been coasting or heading down the wrong path.

My Thoughts: This book speaks for its self. Take a walk with God and with Lacey Strum for a refreshing look into God's word. Take a break from a busy life and sit and listen. Learn with Lacey about God's gifts and using them for His glory. This is a good book for those who are looking into their lives and searching how to use the gifts that God gave them and looking at each day as a new canvas and a brand new start for serving Him.

I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” ( )
  MaryAnnB1964 | Mar 1, 2019 |
I enjoyed this book. The author has an easy to read writing style and provided much good information on stress and managing it. I did find it distressing that the author seems to push hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for all women--I do think that it can help some women, but I don't think it should be a mandate for everyone. It needs to be a personal choice for the woman in consultation with her physician. ( )
  JenniferRobb | Jan 17, 2016 |
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Biography & Autobiography. Religion & Spirituality. Young Adult Nonfiction. HTML:

It's easy to go through days, weeks, even years on autopilot, moving from one activity to another, rarely taking the time to consider what it's all for anyway. Why did God make us? What does he want us to do with the time he has given us? And how can we find out?
In her bestselling story-driven style, Christian rocker Lacey Sturm shares with readers the beautiful struggle of learning what one's unique gifts are and pursuing them wholeheartedly. She helps them see each day as a gift from God, find balance in their busy lives, and discover the joy of giving God's gifts back to him by using them to bring him glory.
Young people especially will love this openhanded and openhearted take on what to do with their lives, as will those who feel like they've been coasting or heading down the wrong path.


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