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From an Idea to Nike: How Marketing Made Nike a Global Success

von Lowey Bundy Sichol

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"Today, Nike is the biggest athletic shoe company in the world, but a long time ago runner and businessman Phil Knight started out with just an idea. Find out more about Nike's history, how the business grew, and the role that marketing playing in this illustrated nonfiction book!" -- Back cover.
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From an idea to nike. The book is about how an ordinary person wanted to make better shoes. The owner of nike wanted to make better faster running shoes that were also light and thin. Plillip knight traveled the world and found a company called puma. Phillip makes a deal with puma and sells the shoes in the united states. Later they ended the deal with puma and became independent. And became the shoe and everything else sport thing company that we all know and love.
I loved this book because it says how nike started out from an idea of faster slimmer shoes to a whole company founded anywhere today.the book states what the character phillip wanted and how he accomplished his goal. For me it proves that even if you have and idea stick with it. And do whatever you can to accomplish it. Lego and other companies were like nike. They started as an idea. But grew to what we know today. It was also nice to learn some nike history.
  Etis.Ela1 | Oct 22, 2019 |
This book does a fantastic job of exploring the basics of business and marketing through the story of Nike. Perfect for later-elementary to younger middle school students. The author has included intriguing illustrations along with fun facts to help readers move along. I suggest this book for any students interested in the history behind one of the successful companies of our modern times or any student in need of a lesson in marketing for financial literacy. ( )
  BComeaux | Sep 10, 2018 |
Independent Reading Level: Grades 5-7
  nyasiaellis | Dec 6, 2022 |
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"Today, Nike is the biggest athletic shoe company in the world, but a long time ago runner and businessman Phil Knight started out with just an idea. Find out more about Nike's history, how the business grew, and the role that marketing playing in this illustrated nonfiction book!" -- Back cover.

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