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Weird But True Know-It-All: Greek Mythology

von Sarah Wassner Flynn

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"The classic stories from Greek mythology come to life in this latest installment in the Weird But True Know-It-All series, featuring Zeus, Hades, Athena, Poseidon, Artemis, Heracles, Prometheus, and many more! From the god who gave mankind fire, to who stood guard at the Underworld, to famous fatal flaws, this book covers all the iconic Greek myths and key characters--along with wonderfully weird and surprising tidbits"--Back cover.… (mehr)
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WEIRD BUT TRUE: GREEK MYTHOLOGY by Sarah Wassner Flynn is a rich resource for mythology fans.

This colorfully illustrated reference book features information about each Greek god along with connections to classic stories from Greek mythology. Fascinating trivia is woven throughout each entry. Of particular note are the pages on topics such as nymphs, muses, and unsung heroes. The book concludes with activities, lists, and a glossary.

Librarians will find this book to be popular with young fans of mythology. The table of contents and index provide easy access to information about each god. The short chunks of information and connections with topics such as movies, constellations, artwork, animals, and global locations will appeal to young researchers. Pair this book with novels featuring Greek mythology. Use this title to introduce readers to the popular WEIRD BY TRUE series.

Published on September 1, 2019 by National Geographic Kids. ARC courtesy of the publisher. ( )
  eduscapes | Jan 20, 2019 |
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"The classic stories from Greek mythology come to life in this latest installment in the Weird But True Know-It-All series, featuring Zeus, Hades, Athena, Poseidon, Artemis, Heracles, Prometheus, and many more! From the god who gave mankind fire, to who stood guard at the Underworld, to famous fatal flaws, this book covers all the iconic Greek myths and key characters--along with wonderfully weird and surprising tidbits"--Back cover.

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