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Taken (Blood Trails Book 3)

von Jennifer Blackstream

Reihen: Blood Trails (3)

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A cold case puts Shade on the trail of three teenagers who disappeared from a homeless shelter the night before a charity art auction. The cops think they left willingly, but Shade knows some of the most frightening monsters from the Otherworld can be as seductive as they are dangerous.Talented artists vanishing without a trace. Willing participants in their own disappearance.Shade knows exactly what fate has befallen the teenagers. But what will she risk to get them back?… (mehr)
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Synopsis: Shade, witch and private investigator, is looking for three teenagers who have disappeared from a homeless shelter after they have shown their art. Shade believes that they have been Taken by Otherworlders. If this is the case then they are in real danger. Shade risks her freedom to find and free the kids.
Review: Nicely written book with lots of twists and turns. I'm ready for the next book. ( )
  DrLed | Oct 20, 2018 |
Taken is the third installment of the Blood Trails series. You can read this as a stand-alone, however to fully enjoy the characters you really should read the first two books prior to starting this one. I really like the way Shade, our main character, has grown both is confidence and strength in magic. Peasblossom (as always) shines as does our FBI agent Andy. I was one of those folks that don't mind some reoccurring characters but did not need it to read these series. However I really love seeing her and Andy work together and I did like the small appearance of the Alpha werewolf. I wasn't a fan of Flint in the first book, but he comes back strong and hard in this book. He's made me like him a bit more and I have a much better understanding of Ms. Blackstream's Fae and how they are going to behave in the series. I am still left with Shade questions and we are left with an awesome ending which does lend the idea that the next book will answer (or attempt to) these Shade-centric questions. I absolutely love this series and highly enjoyed the latest installment. I recommend this series to any mature young adult and older who likes urban fantasy. ( )
  llyramoon | Aug 28, 2018 |
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A cold case puts Shade on the trail of three teenagers who disappeared from a homeless shelter the night before a charity art auction. The cops think they left willingly, but Shade knows some of the most frightening monsters from the Otherworld can be as seductive as they are dangerous.Talented artists vanishing without a trace. Willing participants in their own disappearance.Shade knows exactly what fate has befallen the teenagers. But what will she risk to get them back?

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Durchschnitt: (3.94)
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