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The Neyer/James Guide to Pitchers: An Historical Compendium of Pitching, Pitchers, and Pitches

von Bill James

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1694167,290 (3.61)Keine
Pitchers, the pitches they throw, and how they throw them -- these days it's the stuff of constant scrutiny, but there's never been anything like a comprehensive source for such information. That's what preeminent baseball analyst Bill James and baseball columnist Rob Neyer realized over lunch more than a dozen years ago. Since then, they've been compiling the centerpiece of this book, the "Pitcher Census," which lists specific information for nearly two thousand pitchers, ranging throughout the history of professional baseball. The Guide also offers: A "dictionary" describing virtually every known pitch The origins and development of baseball's most important pitches Top ten lists: best fastballs, best spitballs, and everything in between Biographies of some of the great pitchers who have been overlooked More knuckleballers and submariners than you ever thought existed An open debate concerning pitcher abuse and durability A formula for predicting the Cy Young Award winner Something fresh and new: Bill James' "Pitcher Codes" The Neyer/James Guide to Pitchers is about understanding pitchers, and baseball's action always starts with the pitchers. It's also about entertaining debates and having a great deal of fun with the history of a game that obsesses so many.… (mehr)
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The meat of this book, a supposed accounting of the pitches thrown by all major leaguers with a certain threshold of experience up to 2003, is so-so at best. There's just too much that is uncertain or contradictory to be useful, and given the ambition of the authors, this is very damning. The rest of the book consists of a section describing all types of pitches--but frequently confessing ignorance about which pitch was actually which--, a random set of write-ups about a few pitchers, some of whom you will have never heard of, and more statistical-focused musings, but again, rather mediocre. All in all, very disappointing. James is such a god of sabermetrics, that he can pretty much get away with rambling on about whatever strikes his fancy. Neyer is a bit more focused, but still prone to a lack of precision in his writing. ( )
  datrappert | Jul 2, 2023 |
A resource rather than a compendium of great writing. Like in the annual statistical compendia, technicalia interspersed with mini-essays of some interest. ( )
  ehines | Sep 21, 2014 |
This volume fills a gaping hole in the baseball reference library. The bulk of it is an encyclopedic compendium of (almost) all Major League pitchers, listing not their statistical records, but, as can best be determined, what each actually threw—something that had never before been aggregated, or in some cases, even recorded.

Additionally, the authors provide detailed discussion of the various pitches, looking at the historical development, alternative names, and most successful practitioners of each; a debate about pitcher abuse; and short biographies of several outstanding but under-appreciated former stars.
  EverettWiggins | May 6, 2013 |
Excellent addition to any baseball fan's library. Probably worth buying the book alone for Neyer & James essays on each type of pitch thrown in the majors. Excellent breakdowns as to how and why a fork ball is different than a splitter and how a two seamer & a cutter are nearly the same and so forth. The history aspect, which covers a good majority of the book - essentially a breakdown of what each major league pitcher in the history of baseball threw, I found interesting but nothing more than a passing interest. ( )
  jmcclain19 | Jun 20, 2007 |
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Pitchers, the pitches they throw, and how they throw them -- these days it's the stuff of constant scrutiny, but there's never been anything like a comprehensive source for such information. That's what preeminent baseball analyst Bill James and baseball columnist Rob Neyer realized over lunch more than a dozen years ago. Since then, they've been compiling the centerpiece of this book, the "Pitcher Census," which lists specific information for nearly two thousand pitchers, ranging throughout the history of professional baseball. The Guide also offers: A "dictionary" describing virtually every known pitch The origins and development of baseball's most important pitches Top ten lists: best fastballs, best spitballs, and everything in between Biographies of some of the great pitchers who have been overlooked More knuckleballers and submariners than you ever thought existed An open debate concerning pitcher abuse and durability A formula for predicting the Cy Young Award winner Something fresh and new: Bill James' "Pitcher Codes" The Neyer/James Guide to Pitchers is about understanding pitchers, and baseball's action always starts with the pitchers. It's also about entertaining debates and having a great deal of fun with the history of a game that obsesses so many.

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