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von Catherine Coulter

Reihen: FBI Thrillers (23)

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4201062,185 (3.79)Keine
The #1 New York Times bestselling FBI Thriller series returns with another tour de force in which Agent Sherlock risks losing her career -- and her sanity -- over a case that is more complicated and twisted than any she's ever encountered. On a Tuesday afternoon, Agent Sherlock is driving in downtown Washington when her Volvo is suddenly T-boned at an intersection. As her car spins out of control, a man's body slams against her windshield and then -- blackness. When she finally regains consciousness in the hospital, she's told about the accident and the man she struck. No one knows yet who he is or where he is because he ran away. From DNA, they discover his name is Justice Cummings and he's a CIA analyst at Langley... and he's still missing. Meanwhile, in the small town of Gaffer's Ridge, Virginia, Special Agent Griffin Hammersmith rescues a kidnapped woman claiming her captor admitted to the murder of three teenage girls. However, the man she accuses is the local sheriff's nephew and a member of a very powerful family, reputed to have psychic powers. When the sheriff arrests Griffin and the rescued woman, Carson DaSilva, he calls Savich for help. Together they have to weave their way through a labyrinth of lies to find the truth of a terrible secret.… (mehr)
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spy vs. family that runs a small town. Plus another story totally unrelated. Second story ruined the book. So very disappointed, as the blurb sounded intriguing. ( )
  MarigoldJackiFitz | Jul 6, 2023 |
Synopsis: 'On a Tuesday afternoon, Sherlock is driving in downtown Washington when her Volvo is suddenly T-boned at an intersection. As her car spins out of control, a man's body slams against her windshield and the - blackness. When she finally regains consciousness in the hospital, she's told about the accident and the man she struck. No one knows where he is because he ran from the scene of the crash. From DNA they discover his name is Justice Cummings, he's a CIA analyst at Langley and he's still missing.
Meanwhile, in the small town of Gaffer's Ridge, Virginia, Special Agent Griffin Hammrsmith rescues Carson DeSilva, a kidnapped woman who claims that her captor had probably murdered three missing teenage girls. However, the man she accuses is the local sheriff's nephew and a member of a very powerful family, reputed to have special powers. When the sheriff arrests Griffin and Carson, Griffin calls Savich for help. Together they have to weave their way through a labyrinth of lies to find the truth about a terrible secret.' (From book cover)

Review: This was well written and riveting until the end. The culmination of both cases seemed to be rushed - as though the author ran out of time/words to give a well formed conclusion. ( )
  DrLed | Apr 10, 2023 |
Another complex addition to Savich and Sherlock’s series. We start off with Sherlock getting into a car accident, which is significant for multiple plot reasons. Unfortunately, she suffers amnesia and has no idea who Dylan is. Whoops. So Dylan is the main player in this book as far as leading the action, which was the one thing I kind of missed (I love the Sherlock as competent bad-ass dynamic the two of them have when they’re both rocking to solve cases.) But I’m sure we’ll be back to that in the next book.

We have two interesting cases going on, one way out in the middle of nowhere with some law enforcement types who will make you roll your eyes. This is one of the books in the series that definitely has a lot of paranormal stuff in it, and that added an interesting twist, as did how some of the plot twists resolved. In the other case, there’s something going on involving Russia and the dark web… but what exactly, and who is being hunted, and for what purpose? As usual, things get super complicated with lots of surprises.

Please excuse typos/name misspellings. Entered on screen reader.
( )
  KatKinney | Mar 3, 2022 |
And yet I keep reading this series. ( )
  resoundingjoy | Jan 1, 2021 |
What fun! How have I missed Catherine Coulter??? And to think she has 84 other books I haven't read! An almost page turner book. ( )
  nyiper | Apr 15, 2020 |
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The #1 New York Times bestselling FBI Thriller series returns with another tour de force in which Agent Sherlock risks losing her career -- and her sanity -- over a case that is more complicated and twisted than any she's ever encountered. On a Tuesday afternoon, Agent Sherlock is driving in downtown Washington when her Volvo is suddenly T-boned at an intersection. As her car spins out of control, a man's body slams against her windshield and then -- blackness. When she finally regains consciousness in the hospital, she's told about the accident and the man she struck. No one knows yet who he is or where he is because he ran away. From DNA, they discover his name is Justice Cummings and he's a CIA analyst at Langley... and he's still missing. Meanwhile, in the small town of Gaffer's Ridge, Virginia, Special Agent Griffin Hammersmith rescues a kidnapped woman claiming her captor admitted to the murder of three teenage girls. However, the man she accuses is the local sheriff's nephew and a member of a very powerful family, reputed to have psychic powers. When the sheriff arrests Griffin and the rescued woman, Carson DaSilva, he calls Savich for help. Together they have to weave their way through a labyrinth of lies to find the truth of a terrible secret.

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