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Essential Swedish Grammar

von Julian Granberry

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851327,067 (4.25)Keine
Designed for those with limited learning time, this book is not a condensed outline of all aspects of Swedish grammar. Rather, it focuses on simple everyday communication, helping students use previously learned phrases and vocabulary more effectively and with great versatility. After introductory discussions of vocabulary building, word order and the formation of negative sentences and questions, the author offers concise, easy-to-follow coverage of the parts of speech. Numerous examples are included to demonstrate each rule of grammatical usage with the emphasis throughout on simple constructions rather than complicated ones. A selection of useful expressions and a glossary of grammatical terms round out this excellent, inexpensive guide, perfect for self-study or as an adjunct to a language course. Whether you are just beginning the study of Swedish or wish to review the fundamentals, Essential Swedish Grammar enables you to learn in a systematic way, at your own rate, guided by your own requirements and interests.… (mehr)
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A good basic reference guide. ( )
  Katya0133 | Feb 23, 2009 |
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Designed for those with limited learning time, this book is not a condensed outline of all aspects of Swedish grammar. Rather, it focuses on simple everyday communication, helping students use previously learned phrases and vocabulary more effectively and with great versatility. After introductory discussions of vocabulary building, word order and the formation of negative sentences and questions, the author offers concise, easy-to-follow coverage of the parts of speech. Numerous examples are included to demonstrate each rule of grammatical usage with the emphasis throughout on simple constructions rather than complicated ones. A selection of useful expressions and a glossary of grammatical terms round out this excellent, inexpensive guide, perfect for self-study or as an adjunct to a language course. Whether you are just beginning the study of Swedish or wish to review the fundamentals, Essential Swedish Grammar enables you to learn in a systematic way, at your own rate, guided by your own requirements and interests.

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