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Sturm über der Wüste (2007)

von Linda Lael Miller

Weitere Autoren: Siehe Abschnitt Weitere Autoren.

Reihen: Die McKettricks (3), McKettrick Series (8)

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494551,596 (3.93)6
Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Keegan McKettrick has learned the hard way that women can't be trusted. The only female in his life these days is the young daughter he sees all too rarely, and his sole passion is for his job overseeing his family's corporation. Until beautiful but mysterious Molly Shields comes to Indian Rock on a mission--and keeping a suspicious eye on her becomes Keegan's full-time hobby....

Molly doesn't know why she's attracted to a man who's determined to dig up dirt on her, even if he is gorgeous. But cynical Keegan might be the one person who can truly understand her shadowy past--and if the two can risk opening their hearts, they just might forge a brighter future.
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Unwittingly party to an adulterous affair, Molly Shields is a cute leading lady with a nice amount of spit fire. Keegan McKettrick is a hunka burnin' cowboy who is in love with the wife to the man Molly played mistress too. Think this is a tangled web woven yet? Toss in Molly's baby by the cheating husband that she adopted out to the Wife (who has terminal cancer and is dying, to boot) and hoo boy, this pot sure is a bubblin' now!

A great read with lots of emotional roller-coastering and fairly believable, realistic characters (by romance novel standards, of course). Made me smile and tear up a little, and I immediately went to the library to scrounge up the other books in the McKettrick Men series.

Read this in one day, partially because it's an easy read and partially because I read it all in one big delicious gulp. Sometimes it was a little confusing because Ms. Miller seemed to feel the need to include every character from her McKennit series (of which this is number 8, and number 3 of the McKennit Men series) and their stories. If I wanted to know their deal, I'd go read their books. (Which I will, actually, for Jesse and Rance's stories, even though now I know how they end!!) Lots of emotional romance and drama with some descriptiveness of the sexual act, but not pages and pages of really explicit stuff. If you are in it for the smut, this book is not for you. If smut free is the way to be (like me!) then this one should be good for you. :D ( )
  ElleyOtter | Nov 28, 2017 |
Keegan McKettrick has a lot to deal with. His ex-wife uses their daughter as a bargaining chip, and a substantial bloc of his family wants to take the company public. Meanwhile, Molly Shields comes to town at the behest of her former lover's widowed wife to hopefully regain custody of her child. The townspeople aren't big fans of Molly, particularly Keegen, who still holds a torch for the cuckolded Psyche. I almost didn't buy how quickly Keegan got over his hatred of Molly and came to love her. Even if she didn't know Psyche's husband was married, she still gave up their kid pretty quickly. Psyche's sudden cancer diagnosis and the husband's deceased state at the beginning of the book seemed pretty contrived. However, you almost don't care about all that because of how sweet and heartfelt these characters are. I'm not generally a fan of "Western" romance, but in Miller's hands it's eminently readable. ( )
  EmScape | May 25, 2014 |
As a born and bred forth generation yank, I never thought I would find Texas or Texans appealing. Miller's love for the West and its inhabitants is infectious.
  PennyTinapple | Aug 28, 2008 |
Fans of Miller's will gobble this one up. She's good at creating these Alpha male heroes who are such jerks in the beginning that you almost don't want them to redeem themselves for the heroine later. The dialogue is snappy and the pace doesn't stall. The love scene is steamy and well-written. Readers will probably want to get other books in the series. ( )
  emigre | Mar 11, 2007 |
Book #3 in the series ( )
  diasukie | Nov 18, 2009 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Miller, Linda LaelAutorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Henkel, KatjaÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Moore, ChristinaErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Keegan McKettrick has learned the hard way that women can't be trusted. The only female in his life these days is the young daughter he sees all too rarely, and his sole passion is for his job overseeing his family's corporation. Until beautiful but mysterious Molly Shields comes to Indian Rock on a mission--and keeping a suspicious eye on her becomes Keegan's full-time hobby....

Molly doesn't know why she's attracted to a man who's determined to dig up dirt on her, even if he is gorgeous. But cynical Keegan might be the one person who can truly understand her shadowy past--and if the two can risk opening their hearts, they just might forge a brighter future.

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