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God and Galileo: What a 400-Year-Old Letter Teaches Us about Faith and Science

von David L. Block

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"In this book, two professional astronomers reflect on the universe of space and the grace of God. They comment on the subjective and territorial nature of science and affirm that the science of today is not in a position to pronounce on the existence of God. They argue that God is not known through human logic or experiment but through his self-revelation. This is God's universe, wherein grace prevails: we need to be receptive to both reason and revelation. It makes sense for people who are trying to make sense of this world to be provided with a map by the Maker of this world, who, by His grace, has visited his world in person"--… (mehr)
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"In this book, two professional astronomers reflect on the universe of space and the grace of God. They comment on the subjective and territorial nature of science and affirm that the science of today is not in a position to pronounce on the existence of God. They argue that God is not known through human logic or experiment but through his self-revelation. This is God's universe, wherein grace prevails: we need to be receptive to both reason and revelation. It makes sense for people who are trying to make sense of this world to be provided with a map by the Maker of this world, who, by His grace, has visited his world in person"--

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