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The End of Orson Eerie? A Branches Book (Eerie Elementary #10) (10)

von Jack Chabert

Reihen: Eerie Elementary (10)

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Eerie Elementary is planning a big Halloween-type celebration for Eerie Day, including hosting a "haunted house" at the school itself; but the spirit of the evil scientist Orson Eerie sees this as the chance to finally triumph over the intrepid hall moniters, Sam, Lucy, and Antonio--and it is up to them to prevent a catastrophe and perhaps even defeat Orson and banish him from the school forever.… (mehr)
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{My thoughts} – I have grown to enjoy this series. It has a bit of mystery and intrigue to it. In this wonderfully all new book the hall monitors are faced with an all new battle against Orson Eerie. It is time for them to battle him during a town Eerie Day Celebration.

This is meant to be the biggest battle yet. The reason is because Orson is getting weaker and weaker. He is having problems standing up to the hall monitors. Since he hasn’t been able to defeat the hall monitors he has grown weak. The hall monitors believe that this is meant to be their last battle with Orson Eerie and that they will no longer have to battle against him.

Sam, Lucy and Antonio go into the battle with a plan. They have everything worked out and are hoping that they will once and for all be able to defeat Orson. I have often wondered how the final battle would play out. If this is the final battle, it is for sure well written and illustrated. I look forward to reading more books by this author in the future! ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
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Eerie Elementary is planning a big Halloween-type celebration for Eerie Day, including hosting a "haunted house" at the school itself; but the spirit of the evil scientist Orson Eerie sees this as the chance to finally triumph over the intrepid hall moniters, Sam, Lucy, and Antonio--and it is up to them to prevent a catastrophe and perhaps even defeat Orson and banish him from the school forever.

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