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A Fox Found a Box

von Ged Adamson

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525510,826 (3.97)Keine
When a little fox finds a radio, he shares the songs and music with his animal friends, but after it goes quiet, the little fox begins to hear the music found in nature.
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A fox found a box....then all of the animals LOVED listening to the box. It helps them discover the music all around them. Yes, the story is a little dumb, but it is a good way to show children just what is around them!!!

I think the illustrations are my favorite part.

( )
  msgabbythelibrarian | Jun 11, 2023 |
Really cute and original story about a fox who finds a radio in the winter woods. He shares it with his forest friends, until the batteries run down and the box goes silent. The animals discover that there were music all around them if they just learned how to listen for it. ( )
  Eiseley.Staff | Aug 10, 2021 |
Hunting in the snow one day, the eponymous fox in author/illustrator Ged Adamson's sweet picture-book discovers an odd box. Bringing it back to the cave where he and his animal friends meet up, the fox discovers that the box can sing, and that it produces wonderful music - music that makes the animals feel many different ways. When the box eventually stops working, it feels like catastrophe, but then the animals begin to notice the sounds of the world around them, and realize that there's been music everywhere they are...

A Fox Found a Box is the second title I have read from Adamson, following upon his Douglas, You Need Glasses!, about a dog with vision problems. I found it quite appealing, appreciating the simple story, with its message about music and its ability to make us true listeners, as well as the lovely artwork, done in pencil, colored pencil and watercolor. I tracked this down because the depiction of foxes in children's books is an interest of mine, and I was not disappointed on that score either. Although this is clearly one of those woodland fantasies where all the animals are friends, as opposed to predator and prey, there were some moments - the way the fox nosedives into the snow while hunting, for instance - that felt very real. Recommended to picture-books readers looking for sweet animal tales, or for stories about being an observant watcher and listener, in the world around us. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | Jun 18, 2021 |
I love the forest animals rocking out ( )
  Rachael_SJSU | Jul 11, 2020 |
A fox finds a radio in the woods, and all the animals enjoy the music, whether it makes them feel dreamy, sad, or like rocking out. But one day, "the box stopped singing....nothing would make the box sing again." The animals are sad about this, but then they begin to hear other sounds in the forest - the crunch of snow, the gurgle of the river - and they enjoy those sounds, too.

See also: Harold Loves His Woolly Hat by Vern Kousky. Would be a good preschool read-aloud! ( )
  JennyArch | Jan 21, 2020 |
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When a little fox finds a radio, he shares the songs and music with his animal friends, but after it goes quiet, the little fox begins to hear the music found in nature.

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