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Blossom in Winter

von Melanie Martins

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Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:

Immerse yourself in this utterly addictive forbidden love story that has captivated thousands of readers around the world.

"We are not meant to be together. I should've known better. And yet..."

Petra, a seventeen-year-old Dutch-American and the only heir of finance tycoon Roy Van Gatt, has always had her life rigorously planned and supervised by her strict father. From her internship at his hedge fund firm on Wall Street to her degree in economics at Columbia University, Petra is all set for a bright future in finance.

But everything falls apart when she develops a dangerous relationship with her father's business partner and utmost confidant, Alexander Van Dieren. A Dutch nobleman, known as an unrepentant heartbreaker, twenty-three years her senior, and who is, above all else, her beloved godfather.

A twisted obsession for some, unconditional love for others, but one thing is sure: it's a relationship that might cost them everything...

This book is intended for mature audiences.

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Great book, keeps you interested, spicy parts
  rhondalee719 | Apr 15, 2024 |
Blossom in Winter is an erotic novel about a relationship between a 17 year old (turns 18) and a 40+ year old man, who is her godfather. The sex scenes are extremely explicit and very passionate.
Petra is a naive 17 year old who doesn't drink, do drugs, or have a boyfriend. She wears very modest clothing and her father is very protective of her. Petra has a best friend, Emma, who is quite wild but also protective of Petra. Roy is Petra's dad, Tessa is her mom, Alex is her godfather. Roy and Alex are best friends. Roy and Tessa have been divorced for years, and Tessa now works with victims of abuse. When Alex and Petra are reunited after 10 years, their mutual attraction is electric. Though they try to stay apart, it is inevitable that they will be together. However, Alex has a past that is unknown to Petra, and Tessa does not want them involved in any way.
The book moves quickly, and the sex scenes between Alex and Petra are very descriptive, so be warned if you don't like that type of reading. I was a bit uncomfortable about the relationship between someone so young and inexperienced, and an older much more experienced man. There were many times I thought that Petra's responses were immature, but then I remembered that she is only 17, and then 18, in the book. Her sexual forays were more mature than her years, so that was a bit at odds with her behavior in the real world.
I am interested in reading the next book to see what happens to this group of characters, and how their relationship will develop.
Thank you to Melanie Martins for an Advanced Reader Copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
#BlossomInWinter #MelanieMartins ( )
  rmarcin | Oct 1, 2019 |
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Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:

Immerse yourself in this utterly addictive forbidden love story that has captivated thousands of readers around the world.

"We are not meant to be together. I should've known better. And yet..."

Petra, a seventeen-year-old Dutch-American and the only heir of finance tycoon Roy Van Gatt, has always had her life rigorously planned and supervised by her strict father. From her internship at his hedge fund firm on Wall Street to her degree in economics at Columbia University, Petra is all set for a bright future in finance.

But everything falls apart when she develops a dangerous relationship with her father's business partner and utmost confidant, Alexander Van Dieren. A Dutch nobleman, known as an unrepentant heartbreaker, twenty-three years her senior, and who is, above all else, her beloved godfather.

A twisted obsession for some, unconditional love for others, but one thing is sure: it's a relationship that might cost them everything...

This book is intended for mature audiences.


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