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The Girl from Widow Hills

von Megan Miranda

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8183228,005 (3.73)26
Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:From the New York Times bestselling author of The Last House Guest—a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick—comes a "hauntingly atmospheric and gorgeously written page-turner" (Kimberly McCreight, New York Times bestselling author of A Good Marriage) about a young woman plagued by night terrors after a childhood trauma who wakes one evening to find a corpse at her feet.
Everyone knows the story of "the girl from Widow Hills."

Arden Maynor was just a child when she was swept away while sleepwalking during a terrifying rainstorm and went missing for days. Strangers and friends, neighbors and rescue workers, set up search parties and help vigils, praying for her safe return. Against all odds, she was found, alive, clinging to a storm drain. The girl from Widow Hills was a living miracle. Arden's mother wrote a book. Fame followed. Fans and fan letters, creeps, and stalkers. And every year, the anniversary. It all became too much. As soon as she was old enough, Arden changed her name and disappeared from the public eye.

Now a young woman living hundreds of miles away, Arden goes by Olivia. She's managed to stay off the radar for the last few years. But with the twentieth anniversary of her rescue approaching, the media will inevitably renew its interest in Arden. Where is she now? Soon Olivia feels like she's being watched and begins sleepwalking again, like she did long ago, even waking up outside her home. Until late one night, she jolts awake in her yard. At her feet is the corpse of a man she knows—from her previous life, as Arden Maynor.

The girl from Widow Hills is once again at the center of this story in this "compulsive page-turner" (Booklist).
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I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review here and on my blog Samwise Reviews. I loved this; I read most of the book in a single day. Just like The Last House Guest, Megan Miranda has put together another amazing thriller. I really enjoyed how you kept learning new facts about both events slowly, as the character did, and it was impossible to predict the ending. The story is split between two cases, how Arden went missing while sleepwalking and the body that Olivia found now. Each chapter has a section of police report or interview dating back 20 years to Widow Hills, which I found slowed down the plot a little, but it was interesting to see what people were saying at the time and it becomes relevant later. Overall I thought the whole premise was fascinating and Arden/Olivia was a really believable character. ( )
  Linyarai | Mar 6, 2024 |
I didn't predict it ( )
  hellokirsti | Jan 3, 2024 |
Whoa! Gripping and informative. Lots of potential bad guys. Twenty years after national media attention to 6 year old found in a storm drain , a man is found murdered in the girls yard. She’d been sleepwalking. She’s changed her name so the new town and employee don’t know her story. We read of the trams sichbattention has caused. ( )
  bereanna | Apr 30, 2023 |
Arden Maynor era solo una niña cuando desapareció durante días en una noche de tormenta mientras caminaba sonámbula. Todo el pueblo se movilizó en su búsqueda. Se organizaron grupos de rescate y se realizaron vigilias. La gente rezaba para que regresara sana y salva. Contra todo pronóstico, la encontraron viva dentro de una alcantarilla. La chica de Widow Hills? pasó aser un milagro viviente. Su caso se hizo famoso.
Aficionadosy acosadores la seguían, por eso cuando Arden tuvo la edadsuficiente,
cambió su nombre por Olivia y huyó.
Se acerca el vigésimo aniversario de su rescate y otra vez es noticia. Olivia siente que alguien la sigue. Vuelve a caminar dormida, tal y como lo hacía cuando era niña. Una noche se despierta en su jardín y a sus pies está el cadáver de un hombre. Lo conoce de su vida anterior. Ha llegado la hora de saber lo que realmente le pasó aquella noche. El peligro no ha desaparecido... ( )
  AmicanaLibrary | Apr 14, 2023 |
Typical for this author, another super interesting and twisty story!! I really liked this one- it’s not going to be my favorite of hers (that is reserved for All the Missing Girls), but it was solid. It started out a little slow, but by a quarter of the way in, I was hooked. I really wanted to know what was going on in Olivia’s life, past and present. And I loved the way past and present converged. If you’re not reading this author yet, do it!! Her YA books are fab too! ( )
  Michelle_PPDB | Mar 18, 2023 |
4/5 stars
I really liked this book! The premise for this novel is what drew me in and I feel that the story was executed so well!
I was interested in every character that was introduced and each character felt fleshed out and well thought out.
Although at times the story felt a bit predictable, I didn't mind that at all as the writing was so great! The pacing was excellent and I loved how atmospheric this novel felt and enjoyed the creepy undertones throughout.
The ending wasn't my favorite but I like that it wrapped up nicely.
Overall, I really loved this book and would highly recommend it. Especially if like me you're new to thrillers and want something a bit creepy but not absolutely terrifying!
hinzugefügt von kora3 | bearbeitenReaders First, Komal
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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:From the New York Times bestselling author of The Last House Guest—a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick—comes a "hauntingly atmospheric and gorgeously written page-turner" (Kimberly McCreight, New York Times bestselling author of A Good Marriage) about a young woman plagued by night terrors after a childhood trauma who wakes one evening to find a corpse at her feet.
Everyone knows the story of "the girl from Widow Hills."

Arden Maynor was just a child when she was swept away while sleepwalking during a terrifying rainstorm and went missing for days. Strangers and friends, neighbors and rescue workers, set up search parties and help vigils, praying for her safe return. Against all odds, she was found, alive, clinging to a storm drain. The girl from Widow Hills was a living miracle. Arden's mother wrote a book. Fame followed. Fans and fan letters, creeps, and stalkers. And every year, the anniversary. It all became too much. As soon as she was old enough, Arden changed her name and disappeared from the public eye.

Now a young woman living hundreds of miles away, Arden goes by Olivia. She's managed to stay off the radar for the last few years. But with the twentieth anniversary of her rescue approaching, the media will inevitably renew its interest in Arden. Where is she now? Soon Olivia feels like she's being watched and begins sleepwalking again, like she did long ago, even waking up outside her home. Until late one night, she jolts awake in her yard. At her feet is the corpse of a man she knows—from her previous life, as Arden Maynor.

The girl from Widow Hills is once again at the center of this story in this "compulsive page-turner" (Booklist).

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