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Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

A Peculiar Peril is a head-spinning epic about three friends on a quest to protect the world from a threat as unknowable as it is terrifying, from the Nebula Award–winning and New York Times bestselling author of Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer.
Jonathan Lambshead stands to inherit his deceased grandfather's overstuffed mansion—a veritable cabinet of curiosities—once he and two schoolmates catalog its contents. But the three soon discover that the house is filled with far more than just oddities: It holds clues linking to an alt-Earth called Aurora, where the notorious English occultist Aleister Crowley has stormed back to life on a magic-fueled rampage across a surreal, through-the-looking-glass version of Europe replete with talking animals (and vegetables).
Swept into encounters with allies more unpredictable than enemies, Jonathan pieces together his destiny as a member of a secret society devoted to keeping our world separate from Aurora. But as the ground shifts and allegiances change with every step, he and his friends sink ever deeper into a deadly pursuit of the profound evil that is also chasing after them.
A Macmillan Audio production from Farrar, Straus and Giroux

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  SimplyKelina | May 22, 2023 |
Expect the Unexpected

Jeff VanderMeer explores the duology of word meanings in a world unlike our own filled with odd creatures, and even odder motivations. Jonathan Lambshead is due to inherit a mansion after his grandfather’s death, with one stipulation that he must catalogue all of its odd collections. With the mystery of his missing mother, he is determined find out his family’s secrets. With the help of his two friends, he finds himself exploring another world in search of answers from The Order.

Jeff VanderMeer is known for his play with words, and the interesting double meanings found in commonly used phrases. The plot of this story centers on Jonathan, who is an average American/English boy who has a lot of questions. His ability to accept the weird, allows him to understand the world he falls into. His various companions are comparatively ordinary as well. Except they all enjoy endless conversations involving wordplay. From his first experience in the world of Aurora, each location is more fanciful than the last. Involving talking animals, talking vegetables, and a lot of marmots. All living under an evil and irrational empire ruled by Crowley.

The other main character is the villainous Crowley who has various nonsensical motivations, and his familiar Wretch. Who both are currently ruling Aurora, and looking for spies from The Order. Which involves a lot of nonsensical conversations about spies, duplicity, beheading, and evil laws. The question is who is ruling who, and for what reason. Though they can all agree that they must stop the Golden Sphere, a Celestial Beast with a terrible purpose. The Golden Sphere is entirely chaotic and murderous, which is quite morbidly violent in this story. The Golden Sphere’s intentions are also not explained, except for self-preservation.

Including quite a few side characters who receive their own backstories, and the mysteries of The Builders. Unfortunately, Jonathan receives more questions than answers. What the readers do get is a lot of butt jokes, occasional swearing, randomness, blood, and unnecessarily morbid situations. A Peculiar Peril is the type of book to read for interesting nonsense, and peculiar events. ( )
  VictoriaGD | Apr 15, 2023 |
This was very, very long, took such a long time to get interesting, then turned out to be a setup for a sequel without a satisfactory ending. The introduction of a mysterious, hidden, magical world at the beginning was disrupted and undermined by the alternating chapter focuses, which should have been introduced much later, or with different characters so they could be done with more subtlety—instead they acted as a drag on the speed of the story and a spoiler to the whole plot conceit. While there was a lot of fun stuff, and I liked so many of the characters, and I really wanted to like this book, it was so long, and at times, such a slog—and to add insult to injury, basically none of the umpteen mysteries were ultimately resolved. ( )
1 abstimmen bibliovermis | Jun 14, 2020 |
Most excellent. Exceedingly funny and strange. The novel reads like the best of Vandermeers short stories and novels with huge doses of familiar bits from the world of fantasy. Having some knowledge of fantasy stories will reward your reading experience. Further having some background in Vandermeer's novels and stories is great as the novel has tons of little easter eggs from his previous works, not in anyway that will make you 'have to read them' to understand the novel but for those who have read vandermeers books - it will be delightful. Regardless the novel is delightfully wacky and hilarious. The lead up and so forth, yeah lots of stuff happens, but not to much of a resolution. But - that said - its freaking fantasy - and it sold as the first in a two volume, essentially four novel series. So, there is ebb and there is flow and there are parts that are lull. But all of it is exceedingly good.

Super great fantasy read. The audio book is just stunningly good as well and for such a big book with a cast of characters the SINGLE reader made the book really come alive. ( )
  modioperandi | May 20, 2020 |
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Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

A Peculiar Peril is a head-spinning epic about three friends on a quest to protect the world from a threat as unknowable as it is terrifying, from the Nebula Award–winning and New York Times bestselling author of Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer.
Jonathan Lambshead stands to inherit his deceased grandfather's overstuffed mansion—a veritable cabinet of curiosities—once he and two schoolmates catalog its contents. But the three soon discover that the house is filled with far more than just oddities: It holds clues linking to an alt-Earth called Aurora, where the notorious English occultist Aleister Crowley has stormed back to life on a magic-fueled rampage across a surreal, through-the-looking-glass version of Europe replete with talking animals (and vegetables).
Swept into encounters with allies more unpredictable than enemies, Jonathan pieces together his destiny as a member of a secret society devoted to keeping our world separate from Aurora. But as the ground shifts and allegiances change with every step, he and his friends sink ever deeper into a deadly pursuit of the profound evil that is also chasing after them.
A Macmillan Audio production from Farrar, Straus and Giroux


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