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Chainsaw Man, Vol. 2: CHAINSAW vs. BAT (2019)

von Tatsuki Fujimoto

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Reihen: Chainsaw Man (2)

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643437,825 (3.89)Keine
"Denji's a poor young man who'll do anything for money, even hunting down Devils with his pet devil-dog Pochita. But his life gets turned upside down when he's betrayed by someone he trusts. Now with the power of a Devil inside him, Denji's become a whole new man--Chainsaw Man! In order to achieve the greatest goal in human history--to touch a boob--Denji will risk everything in a fight against the dangerous Bat Devil. But will getting what he wants actually make him happy...?"--Provided by publisher.… (mehr)
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Denji battles the Bat Devil in order to save Meowy and Power and get his chance to touch Power's boobs. Then it's time for Denji vs. the Leech Devil (the Bat Devil was her boyfriend).

In this volume we learn about the Gun Devil, a devil so powerful it killed over a million people in 5 minutes. Since those horrible minutes of destruction, the Gun Devil has disappeared. Aki's team is assigned to finding and collecting pieces of the Gun Devil, which other devils eat in order to grant themselves more power. Those pieces should ultimately help them find the Gun Devil itself.

This series is slowly growing on me. It's amusing, weird, gross, and kind of sad. Here's hoping Denji one day grows enough as a person to have something resembling a normal wish. I mean, I guess there are guys who really want to touch boobs or whatever, but it probably isn't so high on their wishlists that they'd be willing to lose an arm for it.

I have to admit, I kind of love that, when Aki, Denji, and Power are all forced to live together, Power turns out to be the most disgusting roomie of the three of them. No veggies, no flushing, no bathing, and 100% proud of all of those things.

And man, Denji. So. Easily. Manipulated. Literally seconds after he complains about having to scrub Power's poop out of the toilet, she immediately wraps him around her finger by offering to let him touch her boobs. If he can't even manage to hold his own against someone like Power, Makima's going to eat him for lunch and make him thank her for the privilege.

The "must collect pieces of the Gun Devil" overall goal reminds me a lot of Jujutsu Kaisen and its "must collect Sukuna's fingers" goal, so that aspect doesn't really feel all that original. But I'm interested enough in the characters to continue reading about their efforts to be functional devil hunters.


A one-page comic about Denji and Pochi's staple dish and the slight alteration that turns it into their concept of cake (flour and sugar slurry is not cake ::sob::). Also, a one-page comic about Denji and Power's first experience with coffee - I personally like coffee (with sugar and lots of cream), but their reactions were hilarious. "'Tis ditchwater you drink!!" I can just imagine Power cosplayers screaming it in coffee shops.

(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.) ( )
  Familiar_Diversions | Feb 20, 2023 |
So we get a little bit more intrigue with the Makima talking about a certain powerful devil and learning Aki's backstory. Introduces some more characters, though they are all also not very likable. Except for Kobeni, the poor girl just wants her paycheck. I know Denji's character type is "dumb and horny teenage boy" but it's honestly kind of annoying now, not endearing. Like, the whole obsession with boobs thing he has going on is getting grating. I think it's meant to be funny, but it just comes off as annoying "boy humor". I'm honestly far more interested in Makima and Aki, than I am in Denji and Power. Something about Makima makes me curious about what the hell is going on with her. What are her motives? Why did she become a devil hunter herself? I hope the manga expounds on that at some point. I do wonder a bit about how Power got to be how she is currently, but that's a far more mild curiosity than the one I have for Makima. I just don't care about Denji, which is worrying seeing as he is the main character. ( )
  Katharine_Opal | Jan 8, 2023 |

I have 4 volumes and I am determined. Bummed I am not liking this. I was excited for the anime and now I am getting less and less excited... ( )
  Jonez | Sep 23, 2022 |
There are aspects of this book I like, but the creator will just not give up on the boob obsession. I thought there was going to be some development in chainsaw-wielding Denji's maturity at first based on his reaction to a dream come true, but the author quickly backtracked and doubled down, having two more female characters manipulating Denji's actions with promises of sexual favors.

I was ready to give up on the series midway through the book, but the final chapters had an escape room scenario with an intriguing cliffhanger, so I'm going to continue on for at least one more volume. ( )
  villemezbrown | Apr 14, 2021 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (1 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Tatsuki FujimotoHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Haley, AmandaÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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A devil?! Arrgh?!
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Contents: Chapters 8-16
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"Denji's a poor young man who'll do anything for money, even hunting down Devils with his pet devil-dog Pochita. But his life gets turned upside down when he's betrayed by someone he trusts. Now with the power of a Devil inside him, Denji's become a whole new man--Chainsaw Man! In order to achieve the greatest goal in human history--to touch a boob--Denji will risk everything in a fight against the dangerous Bat Devil. But will getting what he wants actually make him happy...?"--Provided by publisher.

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