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von Carian Cole

Reihen: Ashes & Embers (6)

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352717,929 (4.13)Keine
I should have died. I should have been forgotten. But I didn't, and I wasn't. Living the life most women only dream about, I was madly in love with my soulmate-Asher Valentine-amazing husband, loving father, and rock's favorite kick-ass frontman. A man who loved me every day, in every way, since we first met as teens. We were blessed with a beautiful daughter who was the light of our life. My all-female rock band was tearing up the charts. Then tragedy struck, and I lost it all. Now all I have is a stack of journals, an antique key, and a big black void where my memories should be. Used to be. And I have him-this man with wild hair, tattoos from head to toe, a soft voice, and an even softer touch that gives me butterflies. He's clearly hopelessly in love with his wife. I'm told that's me. But that wife is gone, and she took everything they once had, leaving me in her place. A broken replacement. A new version that doesn't quite fit. I'm slowly falling in love with him, but will he ever truly love me? Or will he forever be in love with her, the phantom woman who haunts us both?… (mehr)
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It's okay.
There are some positives and some negatives.
Whatever the reasons first of all I think it affects the reader when there is such a huge gap between one book in the series to the next, I couldn't remember who anyone was, yes you can reread but it depends how invested you are in the series and I wasn't interested enough to do a reread prior to the release of this book and it might not have actually come out, which is an issue when a release book is changes so many times.
A huge positive is the Hero, Asher is faithful for 8 years during the time his wife, Ember is in a coma.
That is huge! That is despite doctors not giving much hope and the music band environment he works in and regardless of how many offers he has.
They have been together since they were 15 and they are their one and only sexual partners.
He also visits her regularly, over the 8 years.

It is dual POV though primarily Asher from the start and then we get Ember in her dream state.
The dreams were a bit weird.
I'm not sure if they were in the other books in the series as I've forgotten but she comes to him in dreams and it's as if he keeps atune to her through them.
So of course he notices a change in them before she wakes up.

There are secondary characters who appeared in the previous books in series but as I said I'd forgotten most of them.
A few to me had fan pleasing appearances, the scene didn't seem to have any real point other than the character was known to previous readers.
The huge thing is her daughter has grown up from a teenager to an adult and married her parents best friend.
There was a character named Redwood and tbh the whole interaction with him was strange but I think he was introduced as he's having a book in the future and there was another new character the Hero met but I think again the whole purpose of the introduction was to link his book to the series.

The huge thing in the book is the heroine, Ember has no memory of her former self or her life with her husband and friends so she is like a different person.
She also begins to fall for her husband but as he's harping on constantly about old Ember, she feels jealous of her former self.
This could have taken the book two ways, either the heroine gets her memory back and becomes old Ember or she doesn't and Asher has to grow to love the new Ember.
I'm not saying this isn't an issue, to get used to a new person or to mourn the person you lost but it just didn't work for me.

Spoiler alert...
It was an interesting situation of amnesia but I wish the author had stuck to her guns and not got her memory back.
They were having issues and it felt like although he eventually comes to term with a new Ember he ends up getting both.

It's a bit slow burn, they don't end up having sex until very near the end.
No intimate scenes other than the Hero and heroine.
No cheating, flirting etc.

If you've read the previous books in series then you will probably want to read this book even if it's out of curiosity but if this had been the first book it wouldn't have made me determined to read the rest.
I'm a huge fan of the amnesia troupe and this one was okay but I wouldn't reread.

Epilogue. ( )
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
Asher and Ember knew they would be together forever from the time they met at the age of 15. They were true soulmates...until Ember is injured in an unfortunate accident that left her in a coma for almost 8 years and Asher haunted by the memory of what happened that day.

This is by far my favorite of the Ashes and Embers series. The devotion of Asher to his wife is written so beautifully. He is amazing. He is almost too good to be true except that he is still so real with his wife even when the truth is painful. Ember's struggles with regaining her life are truly believable and heartbreaking. I really did love this. ( )
  sdbookhound | Jul 9, 2020 |
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I should have died. I should have been forgotten. But I didn't, and I wasn't. Living the life most women only dream about, I was madly in love with my soulmate-Asher Valentine-amazing husband, loving father, and rock's favorite kick-ass frontman. A man who loved me every day, in every way, since we first met as teens. We were blessed with a beautiful daughter who was the light of our life. My all-female rock band was tearing up the charts. Then tragedy struck, and I lost it all. Now all I have is a stack of journals, an antique key, and a big black void where my memories should be. Used to be. And I have him-this man with wild hair, tattoos from head to toe, a soft voice, and an even softer touch that gives me butterflies. He's clearly hopelessly in love with his wife. I'm told that's me. But that wife is gone, and she took everything they once had, leaving me in her place. A broken replacement. A new version that doesn't quite fit. I'm slowly falling in love with him, but will he ever truly love me? Or will he forever be in love with her, the phantom woman who haunts us both?

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