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Life Wisdom Word Search: Yoga for the Brain

von Cristina Smith

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Boost your health and happiness through the power of positive play. Discover goodies galore to enjoy inside. Insightful inspiring stories. Secret messages. Brain training fun. Positive affirmations to help make your life better. Chicken soup for your brain and heart, Life Wisdom Word Search invites you to play! Who would have thought that practicing mental yoga, turbocharging creativity, and empowering personal mastery could be so much fun? Featuring life wisdom messages from sixty extraordinary authors from ages seven to ninety-four, these sixty puzzles make every page both a challenge to be solved and a meditation for self-realization. It gets even better! Once all words are found, a hidden message is revealed--a powerful, wise quote to affirm each author's story. Plus, find fascinating facts and enlightening insights inside, providing tasty food for thought. This book can help you: Stay sharp with a more flexible brain. Bring more peace and happiness into your life with inspiring, mindful messages. Reduce the risk of early onset dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Have fun with a purpose. Both a profound philosophy and fun puzzle book, Life Wisdom Word Search is yoga for the brain that stretches your mind, nourishes your soul, and touches your heart. Complete the sixty puzzles inside. In the process, discover that you have also solved the most important puzzle of!… (mehr)
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I love this word search book! The word search section is in dark, bold print. Yay. My eyes are getting worse as I age and this dark and bold print makes it easy for me to read. I am very happy about that.

The wisdom pages facing the puzzles are brillant. I read the first one three times. I had a relative in facebook who was putting herself down and the more she did it, the more depressed she got. What I told her was the same thing the author of the first one said. We may have used different words but the message was the same. Shari Alye, the author, has had to deal with terrible things in her life. I am grateful that there is a tiny biography of each of the wisdom authors in the back of the book. I plan to check out the website in her biography.

Great idea to combine word searches with one page of wisdom. I won this finished copy in FirstReads giveaway. ( )
  Carolee888 | Sep 12, 2020 |
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Boost your health and happiness through the power of positive play. Discover goodies galore to enjoy inside. Insightful inspiring stories. Secret messages. Brain training fun. Positive affirmations to help make your life better. Chicken soup for your brain and heart, Life Wisdom Word Search invites you to play! Who would have thought that practicing mental yoga, turbocharging creativity, and empowering personal mastery could be so much fun? Featuring life wisdom messages from sixty extraordinary authors from ages seven to ninety-four, these sixty puzzles make every page both a challenge to be solved and a meditation for self-realization. It gets even better! Once all words are found, a hidden message is revealed--a powerful, wise quote to affirm each author's story. Plus, find fascinating facts and enlightening insights inside, providing tasty food for thought. This book can help you: Stay sharp with a more flexible brain. Bring more peace and happiness into your life with inspiring, mindful messages. Reduce the risk of early onset dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Have fun with a purpose. Both a profound philosophy and fun puzzle book, Life Wisdom Word Search is yoga for the brain that stretches your mind, nourishes your soul, and touches your heart. Complete the sixty puzzles inside. In the process, discover that you have also solved the most important puzzle of!

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