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Feliz Naughty Dog

von Roxanne St. Claire

Reihen: The Dogmothers (7)

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1211,660,891 (4.13)Keine
Pru Kilcannon has one goal when she wakes on Christmas Eve - to perform the most "Random Acts of Christmas Kindness" so she can spread cheer and ensure her high school wins the county-wide "RACK IT UP" contest. But when her friends decide to team up with their boyfriends, the ever-helpful Dogmothers enlist the new kid in school as Pru's partner for the contest. And that means good-girl Pru has to spend the entire day with the broody, moody, and crazy cute bad boy Lucas Darling, and his chaos-causing greyhound, Tor. As if that wasn't enough holiday havoc, Pru and Lucas have to accompany the grannies on a secret mission to check out a man Yiayia has met on an online dating service. Gramma Finnie is convinced Aldo Fiore is a mobster, Yiayia thinks he's her dream man, and Pru just wants to be sure her great-grandmothers don't get themselves arrested -- or worse. There's no telling what could happen when the Dogmothers spy on an eighty-year-old who might be playing a rather flirtatious Santa at the mall...or might be hiding from the Feds. But no one expected the real trouble to come from Tor, the former racing dog who causes mayhem and mall madness. As Pru and Lucas attempt to control Tor, supervise the Santa Stalking, and knock out a few random acts of kindness...they also give in to a delicious little Christmas crush that just might lead to some magic under the mistletoe this year!… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonKathagator, jemedwards, CLDunn, dbmcmurry, MaryMeg
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Feliz Naughty Dog by Roxanne St Claire

Book 5.5 in the Dogmothers matchmaker series. Can be read as a stand-alone but best read as part of the series.
Another holiday novella with the grannies and Pru.
Christmas at the mall for random acts of kindness, a school project for Pru and new student Lucas goes a bit off track when Tor, a rescued greyhound, finds a puppy.
While Pru and Lucas are busy, Grannies Finnie and Agnes stalk the mall Santa who seems to be running from the FBI.
Its a Christmas Eve for good friends and family.

Darling and sweet. ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Nov 20, 2020 |
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Pru Kilcannon has one goal when she wakes on Christmas Eve - to perform the most "Random Acts of Christmas Kindness" so she can spread cheer and ensure her high school wins the county-wide "RACK IT UP" contest. But when her friends decide to team up with their boyfriends, the ever-helpful Dogmothers enlist the new kid in school as Pru's partner for the contest. And that means good-girl Pru has to spend the entire day with the broody, moody, and crazy cute bad boy Lucas Darling, and his chaos-causing greyhound, Tor. As if that wasn't enough holiday havoc, Pru and Lucas have to accompany the grannies on a secret mission to check out a man Yiayia has met on an online dating service. Gramma Finnie is convinced Aldo Fiore is a mobster, Yiayia thinks he's her dream man, and Pru just wants to be sure her great-grandmothers don't get themselves arrested -- or worse. There's no telling what could happen when the Dogmothers spy on an eighty-year-old who might be playing a rather flirtatious Santa at the mall...or might be hiding from the Feds. But no one expected the real trouble to come from Tor, the former racing dog who causes mayhem and mall madness. As Pru and Lucas attempt to control Tor, supervise the Santa Stalking, and knock out a few random acts of kindness...they also give in to a delicious little Christmas crush that just might lead to some magic under the mistletoe this year!

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