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Dying Inside

von Damien Boyd

Reihen: DI Nick Dixon (11)

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1811,225,447 (4.38)2
In this thriller from the bestselling DI Nick Dixon crime series, a brutal murder looks like a gangland execution... until the next body is found. Newly promoted DCI Nick Dixon is stuck behind a desk when the peace of the Somerset countryside is shattered by a spate of sheep killings. Dixon recognises a sinister pattern: the animals have all been slaughtered with a crossbow, the power increasing with each kill. It seems whoever is responsible is practising, but for what? Then the owner of a yacht that capsized on a suspected drug run is found dead, pinned to a tree by four crossbow bolts. Convinced that the killing is a gangland execution, the organised crime unit take over the investigation. Dixon is sure the motive lies elsewhere, but is forced to watch from the sidelines--until another body is found. Leading a major investigation team at Avon and Somerset Police headquarters, and with internal politics threatening to thwart him at every turn, Dixon must find the murderer before he kills again. And again...… (mehr)
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Promoted to Detective Chief Inspector, Nick Dixon finds himself behind a desk tied down by admin and frustrated to be away from the front line. An irate farmer, complaing about sheep someone has been killing, offers an opportunity none of his colleagues recognises, for Nick to return to front line detective work. As usual the story is firmly set, mainly, in and around north Somerset with a showdown in Bristol. I especially enjoyed the scenes in Burnham-on-sea, where we spent two enjoyable days earlier this year, visiting some of the author's previous locations. As always, the author makes a number of subtle points in the plot about financial scams and the ease of acquiring deadly crossbow and bolts (especially relevant as someone has just be caught with a crossbow in the grounds of Windsor Castle where the Queen was staying). ( )
  edwardsgt | Dec 28, 2021 |
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In this thriller from the bestselling DI Nick Dixon crime series, a brutal murder looks like a gangland execution... until the next body is found. Newly promoted DCI Nick Dixon is stuck behind a desk when the peace of the Somerset countryside is shattered by a spate of sheep killings. Dixon recognises a sinister pattern: the animals have all been slaughtered with a crossbow, the power increasing with each kill. It seems whoever is responsible is practising, but for what? Then the owner of a yacht that capsized on a suspected drug run is found dead, pinned to a tree by four crossbow bolts. Convinced that the killing is a gangland execution, the organised crime unit take over the investigation. Dixon is sure the motive lies elsewhere, but is forced to watch from the sidelines--until another body is found. Leading a major investigation team at Avon and Somerset Police headquarters, and with internal politics threatening to thwart him at every turn, Dixon must find the murderer before he kills again. And again...

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