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Water: A Visual and Scientific History

von Jack Challoner

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1211,660,891 (4.5)Keine
"A beautifully illustrated and in-depth yet accessible introduction to the science of water, the most common substance on Earth, and one of its most peculiar"--
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Water by Jack Challoner is a beautiful and very informative book that can serve as a general reference for a general readership or, I think, as an interesting text for either teaching at home or piquing your child's interest in science.

The science is not at an advanced level and will be readily accessible to most readers. That said, this goes deeper than just a surface level overview. Combined with the beautiful illustrations that makes this an excellent addition to a home library.

While there is no bibliography as such (at least in my review copy) the notes are largely bibliographic in nature and can serve as guides for further reading. The book discusses water from the Big Bang (okay, some time after the Big Bang) and traces it through history, it touches on the history of science as well as human thought in general, the scientific method, the biology of life, and so many other areas including earth science. It is this broad presentation that I think would make this an excellent book to use with your children to teach them, whether homeschooling or simply helping to generate an appreciation for science and how it touches so much (as in all) of our lives.

I'm not reviewing the program I used to read this book, I'm reviewing the book, so I won't whine about things that have nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of the book. I'll let others do that, I'll stay on topic (except for this little whine of my own about such people).

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley. ( )
  pomo58 | May 26, 2021 |
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"A beautifully illustrated and in-depth yet accessible introduction to the science of water, the most common substance on Earth, and one of its most peculiar"--

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Durchschnitt: (4.5)
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