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Oracle (Diana Hawthorne Supernatural Mystery #1)

von Carissa Andrews

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Even psychics have their blind spots. What would you do if you could see the future? Diana Hawthorne can do just that. Every day she delves into personal prophecies, giving guidance to all the poor souls knocking at her door. There's a catch: while she helps others see where they've been, and to know where they're going...she has no recollection of her own beginnings. Nothing before the age of 24 holds residency in her mind. Then she meets a cocky, self-assured private investigator and immediately dislikes him. But more than that, he's the first person in all her existence who she can't read - and she's been around a long time. Everything about him is a complete void and she's not sure if it's blissful or completely annoying. Fate intervenes, putting Diana in his path as she helps him solve a missing girl case. As pieces begin to fall in and out of place, Diana is forced to make a decision that could unlock her memory but unravel her world.… (mehr)
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Jaw dropping!

What a brilliant new take on the psychic genre, and new series in general! Lots of Suspense, intrigue, mystery, action, paranormal excitement, Greek mythology and some romance for good measure. Not to mention LOTS of yummy twists and turns along the way. Diana is a twentysomething , pink streaked hair, psychic who desperately keeps her distance from emotional entanglements with people (and for darned good reasons you will learn) ....well that is except for her beloved assistant Ren who make her life a wee bit easier (and entertaining). She has a connection to something bigger that allows her to know how to help people, and gain a lot of unasked for information. She can know everything about a person, yet her own beginnings are shrouded in mystery. She's been searching for the truth on where she came from, who she really is, and how she came to be for ages. Yet somehow it's like a brick wall with a massive sign saying NO ADMITTANCE keeps blocking her every attempt. To pass the time she helps complete strangers. How was she to know that everything would change in this next client meeting! A young child is missing.... her desperate mother and HIGHLY skeptical father come to her for any possible leads. Ok so she takes some pleasure in shocking the pessimistic dad...until she realized the danger young Esther truly is in. She gives them the urgent information she has and heads home only to find an intruder in her house... Then everything suddenly goes black and winks out. Coming too she finds a strange (and oh so good looking) man looking at her. Second shocker... She can't get a read on him at all.... NOTHING!!! The only person she's ever come into contact with that's as big a blank wall as her own past! What the heck is going on, and how will she get out of this? Take the ride and find me it's so very worth it. For Diana is not what she seems 😉.... Information Hidden from her is revealed and we find out more than a few exciting things along the way! Far from the usual psychic romance series...this one instantly pulls you in and makes you desperate for MORE!! I for one cannot wait to see what happens next. An absolute gem of a read!!! Treat yourself, and enjoy. ( )
  txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
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Even psychics have their blind spots. What would you do if you could see the future? Diana Hawthorne can do just that. Every day she delves into personal prophecies, giving guidance to all the poor souls knocking at her door. There's a catch: while she helps others see where they've been, and to know where they're going...she has no recollection of her own beginnings. Nothing before the age of 24 holds residency in her mind. Then she meets a cocky, self-assured private investigator and immediately dislikes him. But more than that, he's the first person in all her existence who she can't read - and she's been around a long time. Everything about him is a complete void and she's not sure if it's blissful or completely annoying. Fate intervenes, putting Diana in his path as she helps him solve a missing girl case. As pieces begin to fall in and out of place, Diana is forced to make a decision that could unlock her memory but unravel her world.

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