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The Impossible City: A Hong Kong Memoir

von Karen Cheung

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902310,223 (3.46)4
"In a place where time is running out, sometimes the most radical act is remembrance. Hong Kong has long been known as a city of extremes: a former colony of the United Kingdom that today exists at the margins of an authoritarian, ascendant China; a city rocked by mass protests, where residents take to the streets to rally against encroaching threats on their democracy and freedoms. But it is also misunderstood and often romanticized, its history and politics oversimplified in Western headlines. Drawing richly from her own experience, as well as countless interviews with the artists, protestors, students, and writers who have made Hong Kong their home, journalist Karen Cheung gives us an insider's view of this remarkable city, making the case along the way that we should look to Hong Kong as a warning sign for what lies ahead for other global democracies. Coming of age in the wake of Hong Kong's reunification with China in 1997, Cheung traverses the multifold identities available to her in childhood and beyond, whether that was at her English-speaking international schools, where her classmates were often the children of diplomats or corporate officers, or within her deeply traditional family. Along the way, Cheung gives a personal account of what it's like to seek out affordable housing and mental healthcare in one of the world's most expensive cities. She also takes us into Hong Kong's vibrant indie music and literary scenes--youth-driven spaces of creative resistance. Inevitably, Cheung brings us with her to the protests, where her understanding of what it means to belong to Hong Kong finally crystallized"--… (mehr)
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Cheung’s memoir gives me a much more realistic view of what Hong Kong was like before and after the return of the island to China. She shows us why Hong Kong residents choose to stay rather than flee. Cheung was 4 years old when the British returned the city to China. Her coming-of-age story seems to be that of the city’s coming of age. Frustrated and coping with depression, Cheung paints a stark picture of life under communist rule. She continually confronts readers with the resistance to injustice. The underground places Cheung takes her readers shows a Hong Kong I knew nothing about. ( )
  brangwinn | Apr 24, 2022 |
nonfiction/memoir - essays about changes in Hong Kong (1997-2020), growing up/education in Hong Kong, mental health (depression, PTSD after violence against protestors)

I liked some of this and found it pretty readable--interesting to read about a sense of belonging (or lack thereof), and mental health care system challenges in other countries, etc. The "narrative" (if you can call it one) got a lot less readable towards the end, with the essay about the writer's existential crisis about writing for Hong Kongers in English, without pandering to the colonialist Westerners, but also ultimately still having to make a living selling your writing to the West--a valid point, sure, and I don't even mind the sprinkling of untranslated Chinese characters throughout the text, but surely this doesn't take 26 pages to explain.

Worth a read, if you manage to muddle through the first couple essays, and skip a couple of other essays, but if you are looking for a readable narrative memoir this may not be your best choice. ( )
  reader1009 | Mar 22, 2022 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Karen CheungHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Ake, RachelUmschlaggestalterCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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"In a place where time is running out, sometimes the most radical act is remembrance. Hong Kong has long been known as a city of extremes: a former colony of the United Kingdom that today exists at the margins of an authoritarian, ascendant China; a city rocked by mass protests, where residents take to the streets to rally against encroaching threats on their democracy and freedoms. But it is also misunderstood and often romanticized, its history and politics oversimplified in Western headlines. Drawing richly from her own experience, as well as countless interviews with the artists, protestors, students, and writers who have made Hong Kong their home, journalist Karen Cheung gives us an insider's view of this remarkable city, making the case along the way that we should look to Hong Kong as a warning sign for what lies ahead for other global democracies. Coming of age in the wake of Hong Kong's reunification with China in 1997, Cheung traverses the multifold identities available to her in childhood and beyond, whether that was at her English-speaking international schools, where her classmates were often the children of diplomats or corporate officers, or within her deeply traditional family. Along the way, Cheung gives a personal account of what it's like to seek out affordable housing and mental healthcare in one of the world's most expensive cities. She also takes us into Hong Kong's vibrant indie music and literary scenes--youth-driven spaces of creative resistance. Inevitably, Cheung brings us with her to the protests, where her understanding of what it means to belong to Hong Kong finally crystallized"--

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