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The Teachings of Tempu-Practical Meditation for Daily Life

von H. E. Davey

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The Teachings of Tempu: Practical Meditation for Daily Life details the life and meditation techniques of Nakamura Tempu (1876-1968). Mr. Nakamura taught Shin-shin-toitsu-do ('The Way of Mind and Body Unification') for over 50 years and authored bestselling books. He trained over 100,00 people, including members of the Japaneese Imperial Family, govenrment officials, business leaders, top athletes, celebrated actors, martial arts experts, and notable novelists.

The book begins with Mr. Nakamura's early years and a global quest to cure his tuberculosis. This search took him to the USA, where he studied medicine at Columbia University. Next, he traveled to Europe, where he lived iwth actress Sarah Bernhardt and researched psychology. In Egypt he encountered Kaliapa, an India mystic and yoga master, who brought him to India for a final attempt to save his life. After austere meditation in the Himalayas, Nakamura Tempu attained enlightenment, shook off the bonds of illness, and returned to Japan a changed man.

The Teachings of Tempu uses episodes from Mr. Nakamura's life to introduce his philosophy of mnd and body unification, his forms of meditation, and how these skills can help you attain better health as well as deeper calmness, concentration, and willpower. It contains rare photos from Japan, which chronicle his long life. Also featured are extensive quotes from his books, the first time his writing has been offered in English.

The Teachings of Tempu presents experiments and exercises you can try at home to understand mind and body unification-the essence of Mr. Nakamura's realization and the secret to unlocking human potential. Illustrations of these exercises and forms of meditation are provided, along with an Introduction by Sawai Atsuhiro, a leading teacher of Shin-shin-toitsu-do and a direct student of Mr. Nakamura. Dr. Robert Carter, author and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy for Canada's Trent University, wrote the Foreword.

H.E. Davey is the award winning author of Japanese Yoga: The Way of Dynamic Meiditation, The Japanese Way of the Artist, and other works. He is the Director of the Sennin Foundation Center for Japanese Cultural Arts, and he has studied with several advanced disciples of Nakamura Tempu. The Wakuwaku Honshin Juku in Osaka and he International Japanese Yoga Association in Kyoto have both given him their highest level of Shin-shin-toistu-do teaching certification.


Foreword by Dr. Robert Carter
Introduction by Sawai Atsuhiro
Pronunciation guidelines
Chapter One Awaking from the wandering dream: The life of Nakamura Tempu
Chapter Two Mind-body relationships
Chapter Three Principles for the mind
Chapter Four Principles for the body
Chapter Five Principles for realizing a positive attitude & concentrating
Chapter Six Methods to transform the subconscious
Chapter Seven Anjo Daza Ho meditation
Chapter Eight Muga Ichi-nen Ho meditation
Chapter Nine Meditation & five senses
Chapter Ten Integrating shin-shin-toitsu-do & daily life
Chpater Eleven Shin-shin-toitsu-do in the new millennium
Resources for further instruction & equipment
About the author
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
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