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Aliens: Vasquez

von V. Castro

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301815,775 (3.75)Keine
A Latinx Aliens novel by a rising star Latina author, featuring the fan-favorite character PFC Jenette Vasquez from the movie Aliens and the family she is forced to leave behind. Even before the doomed mission to Hadley's Hope on LV-426, Jenette Vasquez had to fight to survive. Born to an immigrant family with a long military tradition, she looked up to the stars, but life pulled her back down to Earth--first into a street gang, then prison. The Colonial Marines proved to be Vasquez's way out--a way that forced her to give up her twin children. Raised by Jenette's sister, those children, Leticia and Ramon, had to discover their own ways to survive. Leticia by following her mother's path into the military, Ramon into the corporate hierarchy of Weyland-Yutani. Their paths would converge on an unnamed planet which some see as a potential utopia, while others would use it for highly secretive research. Regardless of whatever humans might have planned for it, however, Xenomorphs will turn it into a living hell.… (mehr)
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The title Vasquez is low-key deceiving. It is about Vasquez. We met her as a child who grew up in a large family and fed dreams of being a soldier by her grandfather. Janette was a tomboy who wanted no parts of dolls and dresses. And the older she got, the more garbage life threw at her. It was wonderful learning Janette's origin story and what led her to the colonial marines.

The deception lies in the fact that she is not the main Vasquez of the story. The majority of the story follows her twin children, who were raised on earth by Janette's sister. They are her legacy. I loved their stories, and even though they were twins, their lives always seemed to be separate from a young age. Like their mother before them, the twins were caught up in Wayland-Yutani shenanigans involving Xenomorphs.

It was a very good story. It loses a star because it was marketed as Janette's story, which it really wasn't. It didn't lose more than that because of how good the story was despite the deception. ( )
2 abstimmen ViragoReads | Feb 3, 2023 |
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A Latinx Aliens novel by a rising star Latina author, featuring the fan-favorite character PFC Jenette Vasquez from the movie Aliens and the family she is forced to leave behind. Even before the doomed mission to Hadley's Hope on LV-426, Jenette Vasquez had to fight to survive. Born to an immigrant family with a long military tradition, she looked up to the stars, but life pulled her back down to Earth--first into a street gang, then prison. The Colonial Marines proved to be Vasquez's way out--a way that forced her to give up her twin children. Raised by Jenette's sister, those children, Leticia and Ramon, had to discover their own ways to survive. Leticia by following her mother's path into the military, Ramon into the corporate hierarchy of Weyland-Yutani. Their paths would converge on an unnamed planet which some see as a potential utopia, while others would use it for highly secretive research. Regardless of whatever humans might have planned for it, however, Xenomorphs will turn it into a living hell.

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