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von Veronica Lancet

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"I might be evil personified, but you're the only one I'll ever be good to."August 1955, When Miss Darcy O'Sullivan, an orphaned English teacher from Boston, receives a letter that her biological father passed away, she is surprised to find herself included in his will.There is only one condition.She must travel to Fairydale to attend his funeral.With the promise of a sizable inheritance, Darcy decides to journey to the small coastal town that holds the secrets of her birth. But the moment she steps foot into Fairydale, things start to go amiss.Odd residents. Odd rumors. Odd...deaths.Everything about Fairydale is odd.Including brooding Caleb Hale-part of the infamous Hale family.During the day, she falls deeper and deeper under his spell as he forces her to step out of her comfort zone and embrace her inner sensuality.But at night it's another man who haunts her dreams-Amon d'Artan, a nobleman who lived two centuries ago.Amon is sweet and suave where Caleb is intense and dangerous, and Darcy feels more torn than ever. Soon, she finds herself embroiled in a web of lies, deceit, and inexplicable events that make her question her sanity.When an ancient evil threatens the town and everything Darcy holds dear, she must make the ultimate choice.But will she survive it?… (mehr)
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Okay, I just found my book of the month.

Seriously, how the hell did I miss this book last year?

I have read a lot of thick books (Gone With the Wind and War and Peace) and this one is just as bad. It had been a long time since I had picked up something like this and honestly, I was not disappointed. I could not put the book down no matter how many times I needed to get up off the couch. Normally, I could set it down and pick up another book to read in between. This one - I could not.

This beautiful story is a mix of gothic, reincarnation, paranormal, romance, and fantasy. All perfectly blended into three different timelines. Each one draws you in and tells you of a love that crosses time and space. Three different timelines - Darcy, Elizabeth, and Sela. Each story holds you, and grips you to understand a love story that ended so quickly.

I don't know how I missed this book because I loved it. Absolutely loved it. This book had me in tears and cheering Amon.

Speaking of Amon, he is now my book boyfriend. Can I have him? I mean, I am willing to share him if I must but otherwise, he is definitely book boyfriend material. He loves all three incarnations of our heroine and does everything possible to protect her. He is even possessive - my kind of boyfriend.

I don't care about red flags. You can keep your red flags; I will keep Amon. xD

But seriously, this story will keep you wanting more of both of them - to know their story through each timeline and crying as the two are torn away.

I loved this story. I absolutely have found my January book of the month. I don't think any book will top this one for the year.

I recommend this book. Seriously, pick up this book and fall in love. ( )
  Revengelyne | Apr 29, 2023 |
FIRST of all - i'm shocked i haven't seen a soul talk about this book?! i came across it randomly on a list called "hero desperately in love with heroine" (amen, btw) and knew it was right up my alley.

this is a monster of a book. like 900 pages or something, so i'm not going to begin to try and summarize it, nor do i think i would actually be able to in any kind of way that made sense (not that i ever bother summarizing what i read anyway... ( )
  beethovensfruit | Jan 29, 2023 |
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"I might be evil personified, but you're the only one I'll ever be good to."August 1955, When Miss Darcy O'Sullivan, an orphaned English teacher from Boston, receives a letter that her biological father passed away, she is surprised to find herself included in his will.There is only one condition.She must travel to Fairydale to attend his funeral.With the promise of a sizable inheritance, Darcy decides to journey to the small coastal town that holds the secrets of her birth. But the moment she steps foot into Fairydale, things start to go amiss.Odd residents. Odd rumors. Odd...deaths.Everything about Fairydale is odd.Including brooding Caleb Hale-part of the infamous Hale family.During the day, she falls deeper and deeper under his spell as he forces her to step out of her comfort zone and embrace her inner sensuality.But at night it's another man who haunts her dreams-Amon d'Artan, a nobleman who lived two centuries ago.Amon is sweet and suave where Caleb is intense and dangerous, and Darcy feels more torn than ever. Soon, she finds herself embroiled in a web of lies, deceit, and inexplicable events that make her question her sanity.When an ancient evil threatens the town and everything Darcy holds dear, she must make the ultimate choice.But will she survive it?

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