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Israel Always: Experiencing God's Pursuit of You Through His Chosen People

von Christopher J. Katulka

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"A succinct and compelling survey of everything Israel!" --J. Randall Price, author, professor, archaeologist God's faithfulness to Israel is an incredible affirmation of His unconditional goodness, and as we discover His heart for His chosen people, we better understand His heart for us. Israel's story begins with God's promise to make Abraham a great nation, and to this day, His hand continues to guide and protect the Jewish people. Israel Always is a sweeping journey through Israel's prolific history, its modern-day influence, and its promised future, highlighting the continuous throughline of God's provision for His people. Bible scholar and Israel expert Christopher Katulka draws on relevant scriptures, careful research, and firsthand experience to illuminate why Israel plays such a central role in the Bible's narrative, as well as in Bible prophecy understanding Jewish culture and tradition enriches our understanding of Christianity the Jewish people continue to be a wrongly yet widely persecuted group lasting peace continues to be a challenge for the Middle East Insightful and informative, Israel Always will enrich your understanding of the Bible, enhance your appreciation for Israel, and elevate your awareness of God's steadfast love for all His people--including you--today.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonwendyslone, thornton37814, BooRadleyZellner, semoffat
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  semoffat | May 11, 2024 |
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"A succinct and compelling survey of everything Israel!" --J. Randall Price, author, professor, archaeologist God's faithfulness to Israel is an incredible affirmation of His unconditional goodness, and as we discover His heart for His chosen people, we better understand His heart for us. Israel's story begins with God's promise to make Abraham a great nation, and to this day, His hand continues to guide and protect the Jewish people. Israel Always is a sweeping journey through Israel's prolific history, its modern-day influence, and its promised future, highlighting the continuous throughline of God's provision for His people. Bible scholar and Israel expert Christopher Katulka draws on relevant scriptures, careful research, and firsthand experience to illuminate why Israel plays such a central role in the Bible's narrative, as well as in Bible prophecy understanding Jewish culture and tradition enriches our understanding of Christianity the Jewish people continue to be a wrongly yet widely persecuted group lasting peace continues to be a challenge for the Middle East Insightful and informative, Israel Always will enrich your understanding of the Bible, enhance your appreciation for Israel, and elevate your awareness of God's steadfast love for all His people--including you--today.

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