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The Pirate and the Porcelain Girl

von Emily Riesbeck

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1921,175,338 (3.5)Keine
Comic and Graphic Books. Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) HTML:Our Flag Means Death gets a magical, sapphic twist in this swashbuckling young adult graphic novel adventure full of high-stakes adventure, fantastical creatures, and a swoony enemies-to-lovers romance perfect for fans of In Deeper Waters and The Prince and the Dressmaker.
"I want to be beautiful. I want to be interesting. I want to be enough."

That was Ferra Brickminder's prayer to win back the love of her life. And the gods answerâ??just not in the way she expected. After hoping for a miracle, Ferra instead watches her skin turn into delicate and dangerously breakable porcelain.

Elsewhere, Brigantine de la Girona, a disgraced orc pirate captain, has her own problems. Penniless and banished from her home, Brig struggles to make ends meet with her crew as her only support. So, when a desperate Ferra enlists Brig to sail her across the Great Sea to her ex-girlfriend's home for a very handsome fee, Brig is happy to strike a deal.

Pampered Ferra and tough-as-nails Brig quickly butt heads, bickering their way across the high seas, but as they encounter increasingly perilous obstaclesâ??including the gods themselvesâ??the two become reluctant allies...and ma
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Queer pirate-aristocratish romance, full of adventure and… musings about what it means to live in a world abandoned by the gods? I thoroughly enjoyed the art, the found family vibes, and the villain, although the romance felt a bit sudden and the pacing was occasionally strange. A fun and sweet sapphic read. ( )
  Elianaclaire | Jan 3, 2024 |
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Comic and Graphic Books. Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) HTML:Our Flag Means Death gets a magical, sapphic twist in this swashbuckling young adult graphic novel adventure full of high-stakes adventure, fantastical creatures, and a swoony enemies-to-lovers romance perfect for fans of In Deeper Waters and The Prince and the Dressmaker.
"I want to be beautiful. I want to be interesting. I want to be enough."

That was Ferra Brickminder's prayer to win back the love of her life. And the gods answerâ??just not in the way she expected. After hoping for a miracle, Ferra instead watches her skin turn into delicate and dangerously breakable porcelain.

Elsewhere, Brigantine de la Girona, a disgraced orc pirate captain, has her own problems. Penniless and banished from her home, Brig struggles to make ends meet with her crew as her only support. So, when a desperate Ferra enlists Brig to sail her across the Great Sea to her ex-girlfriend's home for a very handsome fee, Brig is happy to strike a deal.

Pampered Ferra and tough-as-nails Brig quickly butt heads, bickering their way across the high seas, but as they encounter increasingly perilous obstaclesâ??including the gods themselvesâ??the two become reluctant allies...and ma

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