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The 24th Hour

von James Patterson, Maxine Paetro

Reihen: Lindsay Boxer (24)

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1932145,987 (3.69)1
"SFPD Sergeant Lindsay Boxer, Medical Examiner Claire Washburn, Assistant District Attorney Yuki Castellano, and crime writer Cindy Thomas gather at one of San Francisco's finest restaurants to celebrate exciting news: Cindy is getting married. Before they can raise their glasses, there's a disturbance in the restaurant. A woman has been assaulted. Claire examines the victim. Lindsay makes an arrest. Yuki takes the case. Cindy covers it. The legal strategy is complicated by gaps in the plaintiff's memory--and the shocking reason behind her ever-changing testimony. As Yuki leads the prosecution, Lindsay chases down a high-society killer whose target practice may leave the Women's Murder Club short a bridesmaid... or two. --… (mehr)
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James Patterson and Maxine Paetro deliver another gripping installment in the Women's Murder Club series with 'The 24th Hour.' As Sergeant Lindsay Boxer and her team navigate a complex case involving a violent assault and a high-society killer, readers are treated to a pulse-pounding narrative filled with suspense and unforgettable characters. With its twists, turns, and relentless pace, 'The 24th Hour' is sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. ( )
  Mrsmommybooknerd | May 10, 2024 |
A super-fast and enjoyable crime thriller from a long-running series.

I've been hit and miss with the Women's Murder Club for the past couple of years, but recently got back in and it was nice to reconnect with the characters. Sergeant Lindsay Boxer, Medical Examiner Claire Washburn, Assistant District Attorney Yuki Castellano, and crime writer Cindy Thomas are now older, accomplished in their jobs, and settled into loved-up bliss.

This particular installment has the club's women facing separate cases in San Francisco. Yuki is handling an unusual rape and assault trial. Lindsay is trying to find the killer of a wealthy couple, and Joe is dealing with a horrific cyber ransom attack. Cindy is about to get married, and all are just there for each other in supportive friendships that have stood the test of time and trial.

The pages flew by as I also listened to the audiobook while reading. Thank you to the publisher for the e-book ARC and I recommend it to counter a reading slump or just for the entertainment. The short chapters, the lack of emotional drama all the time, and the interesting twists on plots always make this series fun. ( )
  CelticLibrarian | May 9, 2024 |
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James PattersonHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Paetro, MaxineHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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"SFPD Sergeant Lindsay Boxer, Medical Examiner Claire Washburn, Assistant District Attorney Yuki Castellano, and crime writer Cindy Thomas gather at one of San Francisco's finest restaurants to celebrate exciting news: Cindy is getting married. Before they can raise their glasses, there's a disturbance in the restaurant. A woman has been assaulted. Claire examines the victim. Lindsay makes an arrest. Yuki takes the case. Cindy covers it. The legal strategy is complicated by gaps in the plaintiff's memory--and the shocking reason behind her ever-changing testimony. As Yuki leads the prosecution, Lindsay chases down a high-society killer whose target practice may leave the Women's Murder Club short a bridesmaid... or two. --

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