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Royal Scandal

von Aimee Carter

Reihen: Royal Blood (2)

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261916,929 (4.2)Keine
Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:The second book in the Royal Blood series about an American girl who threatens the royal family by exposing their darkest scandals—even as they get more sinister.
American girl turned monarchy nightmare, Evan Bright, has gotten used to the press about her but the media attention has only seemed to get worse. 
From desperate clickbait articles about her and the President's son to Royal Record headlines pitting her against Princess Maisie, it seems everyone is dying for Evan to return back to America for good. Meanwhile Evan is receiving mysterious threats about her real story being reveiled in a tell-all biography. 
When more information is leaked about Evan, she fears she will always be Britain's media villain. But the threats escalate when there is an attempted assassination with no suspects...and Evan believes the person is in the palace's walls. 
They say what doesn't kill you will make you stronger...but what if it's the royal family who wants you dead?
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When the American President comes to visit, Evan finds herself the center of attention once again as Thaddeus, the President's son shows interest in her. Gossip and innuendo follow Evan as she tries to find a way to be useful in her new role. Suddenly, though, that doesn't seem important when threats against her life and Kit's make it impossible for her to anything but hang out in the castle.

Royal Scandal continues the story of Evan and her life as illegitimate daughter of the King of England. Much of the early part of this book focus on the tabloids and the distrust of Evan by the majority of the British royals and the general population of Britain. At the halfway point, the focus shifts to danger and intrigue with several attempts on Evan's life. This part of the plot is over the top dramatic as well as addicting. Unlike the first book that spent time unearthing a mystery, this is more of a thriller. Overall, Royal Scandal is a very engrossing and entertaining read by lacks the charm of the first book in the series. ( )
  ftbooklover | May 14, 2024 |
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We at the Regal Record hope you've been good this year, because it seems like Saint Nicholas has come early for us all.
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Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:The second book in the Royal Blood series about an American girl who threatens the royal family by exposing their darkest scandals—even as they get more sinister.
American girl turned monarchy nightmare, Evan Bright, has gotten used to the press about her but the media attention has only seemed to get worse. 
From desperate clickbait articles about her and the President's son to Royal Record headlines pitting her against Princess Maisie, it seems everyone is dying for Evan to return back to America for good. Meanwhile Evan is receiving mysterious threats about her real story being reveiled in a tell-all biography. 
When more information is leaked about Evan, she fears she will always be Britain's media villain. But the threats escalate when there is an attempted assassination with no suspects...and Evan believes the person is in the palace's walls. 
They say what doesn't kill you will make you stronger...but what if it's the royal family who wants you dead?

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