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Just Between Us

von Adele Parks

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Kylie Gillingham's disappearance has gripped the nation: the woman with a shocking secret - married to two men at the same time - is missing, presumed dead. And both her husbands are suspects. DC Clements knows the dark side of human nature, and that love can make people do treacherous things: you can't presume anything when it comes to crimes of the heart. While Kylie's two husbands remain prime suspects, her sons won't accept that she is dead. Until a body is found, this sad and scandalous case remains wide open. Stacie Jones lives a quiet life in a small village, nursed by her father as she recovers from illness, and shielded from any disquieting news of the outside world. But their reclusive life is about to be shattered. How are these families linked, and can any of their members ever rebuild their lives in the wake of tragedy?… (mehr)
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I'm a sucker for getting the endings they deserved. ( )
  bitsycassie | Sep 14, 2024 |
A novel packed with twists and turns and plenty of drama. Kylie has disappeared and shocked the UK by being outed as a bigamist. She had been succesfully living two lives, one with a husband and two children and a second with a rich banker in a penthouse flat. Meanwhile we meet Stacie living by the sea with her father. It is lockdown and, like everyone, they are isolated. The reader knows these lives will be linked but how they are linked is slowly revealed. ( )
  CarolKub | Nov 18, 2023 |
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Kylie Gillingham's disappearance has gripped the nation: the woman with a shocking secret - married to two men at the same time - is missing, presumed dead. And both her husbands are suspects. DC Clements knows the dark side of human nature, and that love can make people do treacherous things: you can't presume anything when it comes to crimes of the heart. While Kylie's two husbands remain prime suspects, her sons won't accept that she is dead. Until a body is found, this sad and scandalous case remains wide open. Stacie Jones lives a quiet life in a small village, nursed by her father as she recovers from illness, and shielded from any disquieting news of the outside world. But their reclusive life is about to be shattered. How are these families linked, and can any of their members ever rebuild their lives in the wake of tragedy?

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