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Kill Your Husbands (2023)

von Jack Heath

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385670,170 (3.5)Keine
Three couples, friends since high school, rent a luxurious house in the mountains for an unplugged weekend of drinking and bushwalking. No internet, no phones, no stress. On the first night, the topic of partner-swapping comes up. It's a joke - at first. Not everyone is keen, but an agreement is made. The lights will be turned out. The three women will go into the three bedrooms. The three men will each pick a room at random. It won't be awkward later, because they won't know who they've slept with - or can pretend they don't. But when the lights come back on, one of the men is dead. No one will admit to being his partner. The phones still don't work, and now the car key is missing. They're stranded. And the killer is just getting started ...… (mehr)
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This was my introduction to Jack Heath. As a fan of Australian literature, this was a book that was in my suggested reading. It did not disappoint. Though technically a follow-up to another story, this could have been a stand alone. The first book does not need to be read in order to fully enjoy the story. It was an intriguing story with multiple points of view that kept me guessing until the very end! ( )
  mcutrer89 | Jun 29, 2024 |
Started well and I liked the personal story - but the end didn't work for me. The motive just wasn't really strong enough. ( )
  PrueGallagher | Apr 10, 2024 |
Kill Your Husbands is about three couples who rent a luxury house for a weekend which ends in murder. This is a follow up to Kill Your Brother which I have not read and can safely say you don't need to to enjoy it.

This novel was so fun and suspenseful and kept me guessing right up to the last chapter. There were so many twists and revelations mixed with brutal truths about manipulation and the control others can exact on you.

I enjoyed this book so much I am looking forward to reading some of his other books. Jack Heath also writes Junior Fiction books which also look like fun and interesting reads. ( )
  Incredibooks | Mar 1, 2024 |
Latest review on AustCrime - Kill Your Husbands, Jack Heath:

... come for the entertainment, stay for the cleverness of the concept and execution.
  austcrimefiction | Jan 9, 2024 |
Australian author Jack Heath is back in the charts and on my reading schedule with Kill Your Husbands this month. Heath is known for writing gritty and gruesome crime novels - like the Timothy Blake series - as well as killer adventure books for kids, but this latest novel feels like a shift into a new writing style as he ventures into contemporary psychological thriller and domestic noir territory.

Kill Your Husbands focuses around three couples and I'll admit it took me a while to cement the different personalities, their individual relationship dynamics and variously intersecting backstories. Once I was able to do that, it became even harder to figure out what the hell was going on.

Setting out for a short digital detox getaway in New South Wales, a couples swap goes wrong when one of the party ends up dead. Moments of laughter like this break up the tension in this whodunnit:

'I'm told he was a bit of a larrikin.' 'You mean a dickhead.' Kiara gives a slight nod. Page 218

I didn't warm to any of the characters as their various egos, undercurrents of jealousy and envy along with the competitive nature of their friendships was sickening to read. All six characters in this isolation thriller were flawed and unlikeable and as a result I wasn't invested in their survival.

There were some interesting character insights, but these weren't the sort of people I would ever have as friends or regularly choose to associate with.

"It hadn't seemed very funny at the time - kind of mean, actually. But fifteen years later, he found himself laughing along, not because it was clever but because it was a shared memory. The past was like that, tragedy becoming comedy. Sometimes he heard a song from his youth on the radio, and even though he'd hated it back then, he'd sing along. The act of remembering gave him joy." Pages 62-62

I think Kill Your Husbands has all of the juicy elements of an international bestseller, (I'm thinking Ruth Ware level here) however I'll admit to being a Heath purist; if there's such a thing. For me that means I prefer to read his 'shock and awe' style of writing, the way he's able to make characters say and do things no author - I read - is doing. Heath has the skill to make me laugh while making me recoil and writing plots that make my jaw drop. 'That' wasn't here in Kill Your Husbands, and while some readers will appreciate the 'gore left at the door' approach, I genuinely missed it.

Jack Heath is an 'auto-read' Australian author for me and I suspect he'll attract a wider reading audience with Kill Your Husbands which can only be a good thing for readers. It's rare that an author can adapt to so many writing styles and I'm excited to see when he next releases a book 'for me'.

* Copy courtesy of Allen & Unwin * ( )
  Carpe_Librum | Dec 15, 2023 |
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Three couples, friends since high school, rent a luxurious house in the mountains for an unplugged weekend of drinking and bushwalking. No internet, no phones, no stress. On the first night, the topic of partner-swapping comes up. It's a joke - at first. Not everyone is keen, but an agreement is made. The lights will be turned out. The three women will go into the three bedrooms. The three men will each pick a room at random. It won't be awkward later, because they won't know who they've slept with - or can pretend they don't. But when the lights come back on, one of the men is dead. No one will admit to being his partner. The phones still don't work, and now the car key is missing. They're stranded. And the killer is just getting started ...

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