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Delay of Game

von Ari Baran

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Nate Singer is one of the good guys. As team captain, Nate's whole deal is sticking to the playbook, supporting his team, and keeping his own issues buried. Especially since the team is finally winning, due in no small part to his chemistry with one particular hotshot teammate. Zach Reed has a bad-boy reputation. And it's cost him. Zach's past exploits landed him on the worst team in the league. But that also gave him the best friend he's ever had. For three years, his friendship with Nate has grown, making them an intimidating duo on the ice-and forming an intense bond off of it as well. When the team hits a skid, Zach and Nate go out with one thing in mind: finding someone for a quick roll in the sheets to get back to their winning ways. Only they end up in each other's arms-and each other's heart. And they realize that could be exactly what they've always needed to win it all.… (mehr)
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Another excellent book. Favorite new series for the year. ( )
  bit-of-a-list-tiger | Apr 20, 2024 |
This author is an excellent writer, but it’s always slow going for me. Nate and Zach both had their own issues (Nate more with his anxiety), and the miscommunication was a bit rough to get through toward the final laps. But I did love how it all worked out, and maybe we’ll see them again in another book (it was great to see more of Mike here and where he is in his life now with Danny). ( )
  spinsterrevival | Nov 28, 2023 |
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Nate Singer is one of the good guys. As team captain, Nate's whole deal is sticking to the playbook, supporting his team, and keeping his own issues buried. Especially since the team is finally winning, due in no small part to his chemistry with one particular hotshot teammate. Zach Reed has a bad-boy reputation. And it's cost him. Zach's past exploits landed him on the worst team in the league. But that also gave him the best friend he's ever had. For three years, his friendship with Nate has grown, making them an intimidating duo on the ice-and forming an intense bond off of it as well. When the team hits a skid, Zach and Nate go out with one thing in mind: finding someone for a quick roll in the sheets to get back to their winning ways. Only they end up in each other's arms-and each other's heart. And they realize that could be exactly what they've always needed to win it all.

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