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Bummer at Luna Beach

von Lisa M. Lane

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13111,565,672 (3.15)Keine
A beach, a bluff, and a body A body has been found at Luna Beach, one hairy arm sticking out of the sand at the bottom of the bluff. While police detective Rory Gallardo and his staff uncover the man's origins, 72-year-old Rosie McMahon and her cat Hephaestus are also on the case. Pursuing clues with the help of her journalist pal Lou and environmentalist student Tiffany, Rosie discovers a mystery bigger than a dead tourist.Set against the backdrop of a classic Southern California beach town, Bummer at the Beach is a cozy mystery to win the hearts of those who like their beach towns funky.… (mehr)
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Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I enjoyed this book. It took me a while to work out who was who. The map did not work on a kindle so having to work out in my head the layout .
A nice easy read
  LizStevens | Aug 6, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Bummer at Luna Beach, this quiet peaceful little town is full of interesting characters, a murder mystery filled with plot twists, and OMG surprises. A must summer-read, I found it easy to read and it kept me on the edge of my seat as for what could possibly be next. Looking forward to reading more from Lisa M. Lane, and possibly Luna Beach?
  5tigger | Jun 27, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I found the back story of this cozy mystery a bit more developed than what I usually see, which made it all the more enjoyable. While there were a few leaps to get to the solutions, overall I found it to proceed in an organized fashion with clues being revealed in a realistic way as the plot unfolds. There were just enough odd twists in the story to give it some sparkle. The characters were believable and seemed to be the types of people you would meet in real life as well as being "fun to be around" - well except for the red herrings and villians, which is as to be expected. All locations were described in enough detail to give a good feel for the location but not so many details that the reader was overwhelmed. When I got to the end I wanted to visit Luna Beach and meet the people (but of course can't, alas). Would recommend. ( )
  clp2go | Jun 25, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.

It was so hard for me to get through this book. I had to force myself to finish. I found the story to be uninteresting and predictable. I didn’t care for the writing style. There was a lot of unnecessary detail that felt like filler but didn’t add anything to the story. Transitions were awkward. The climax was utterly anticlimactic. ( )
  rnannernan | Jun 16, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Just ok. This was a simple read. Not a lot of mystery for who dunnit. A lot of characters and the narration skipped between characters a lot. This made it so I never truly got attached to any particular character. Not a bad read for an easy summer day. ( )
  CJGarboski | Jun 12, 2024 |
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The hand sticking out of the sand at the base of the cliff was, unfortunately, discovered by a pair of tourists.
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A beach, a bluff, and a body A body has been found at Luna Beach, one hairy arm sticking out of the sand at the bottom of the bluff. While police detective Rory Gallardo and his staff uncover the man's origins, 72-year-old Rosie McMahon and her cat Hephaestus are also on the case. Pursuing clues with the help of her journalist pal Lou and environmentalist student Tiffany, Rosie discovers a mystery bigger than a dead tourist.Set against the backdrop of a classic Southern California beach town, Bummer at the Beach is a cozy mystery to win the hearts of those who like their beach towns funky.

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Lisa M. Lanes Buch Bummer at Luna Beach wurde im Frührezensenten-Programm LibraryThing Early Reviewers angeboten.


Lisa M. Lane ist ein LibraryThing-Autor, ein Autor, der seine persönliche Bibliothek in LibraryThing auflistet.

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