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Love on a Whim

von Suzanne Woods Fisher

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2512945,914 (4.23)Keine
Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. Brynn Haywood's impulsive decision to marry a man she barely knows sends her fleeing to her best friend's home in Cape Cod. With Dawn's support, maybe Brynn can fix the mess she's made. But a new crisis calls for her helpand unexpectedly brings her face to face with her new husband.… (mehr)
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I could not wait to read the third book in the Cape Cod Creamery series! Brynn is a super professional, totally put together organized woman. When she arrives at Cape Cod a total mess inside and out, her best friend Dawn is shocked. In all their years growing up and even as an adult she has never seen Brynn in this state!
Her job as an engineer takes her to a convention in Las Vegas where she meets a very handsome man. She has never felt like this about anyone in her life. Being totally swept off her feet, she marries him within 24 hours of meeting! Waking up the morning of her honeymoon she is terrified at her decision and leaves.
Ms. Fisher has such a talent for showing how interwoven the lives of each character with one another, but also their personal challenges.
While the plot was so entertaining, there were so many life lessons here.
At one time or another in life we can relate to Brynn’s impulsive decision; regretting and wondering how we will ever fix this mistake. Her relationship with Dawn revealed her lack of confidence in herself, no matter how successful she was in business. Dawns’ strong personality and decisiveness caused her to doubt the choices she knew were right.
Dawn meant well, but her controlling personality hindered her friend and even herself making the right decision. It was driven by fear and a lack of trust in God.
I love Marnie’s down to earth faith and being able to see past all the drama. Whenever she did not know how to proceed or feared what she was facing, she immediately went to prayer. She followed God’s guidance even when her feelings did not match.
Lincoln had overcome so many obstacles and changed his life to follow Christ. Yet with all of us there is always some unfinished consequences of our former choices that confronts us to deal with. I admired his desire to do whatever it took to heal his relationship with his son. He took responsibility for his past failures and tolerated Bear’s bitterness.
All the trials these characters faced it culminated into one point: they each grew in faith to trust God. When they stepped out in that faith no matter how frightening it was God met them and healed them.
Add to all this some big surprises and a bit of mystery and you have a fantastic book!
I received this book from Revell Publishing in exchange for an honest review. The opinions I have stated are my own. ( )
  Mizroady | Jun 26, 2024 |
I loved all the ice cream quotes sprinkled at the beginning of each chapter! Definitely made you crave for your own bowl full of your favorite! Despite this being part of a series I did not have any problems following along so I definitely think that this can be a stand alone. This was a different type of trope for a Christian Fiction book. I mean in this one we meet Brynn who marries a guy she meets while in a meeting in Vegas and then in a moment of realization and panic she leaves him without a word.

Right away I knew who the mystery man was which kind of ruined it for me because I like a good mystery but it didn't take away from enjoying the story. Through all that happens Brynn does find who she truly is and what she wants to do with her life. Her best friend Dawn tries to talk he out of this new path but it is to no avail. Honestly I found Dawn to be aggravating and she drove me a bit crazy with her antics. Now, this may be the part where reading the previous book may have been helpful just to know a little more background on the characters that come in throughout this story.

There are other storylines happening while we learn more about Brynn and I absolutely loved reading more about them. The author does a great job at weaving faith and the theme of forgiveness throughout the story. Although I do enjoy her Amish stories I think she does a great job with these contemporary novels. If you are looking for a new series to start, grab some ice cream and grab this one!

I received a copy of this book for review. I was not required to post a positive review. All views expressed are only honest opinion. ( )
  thedeffenbaughs6 | Jun 1, 2024 |
A beautiful setting, a diverse group of characters, and a well-developed plot make this a great choice for summer reading enjoyment. Love on a Whim is another chance to connect with some of the characters from the first two books of the Cape Cod Creamery series, but the main focus of this story is Brynn Haywood's change of heart after marrying a man that she's only known for twenty-four hours. Will her flight to the small town of Chatham allow her a chance to rethink her future?

Author Suzanne Woods Fisher shared more than one romance in this story, including a second chance at love, and I enjoyed the quotes about ice cream that introduced each chapter, but I loved the inspiring thoughts that are woven into the story. We're reminded to accept the second chances that we're given, to recognize that coincidences are really "God instances", and to remember that apologies don't have expiration dates! I recommend Love on a Whim to all who enjoy contemporary Christian romance.

I received a copy of this book from the Revell Reads Blogger Program. There was no obligation for a positive review. ( )
  fcplcataloger | May 30, 2024 |
“If only love had a recipe. Love was a hot mess.”

Of the three Cape Cod Creamery books by Suzanne Woods Fisher, Love on a Whim is definitely my fave! I think perhaps because by this third book, the town of Chatham on Cape Cod is a familiar setting. Marnie, Linc, Dawn, and Kevin, plus Leo, Bruno, and Callie now all seem like old friends. And, just in case you’ve forgotten who’s who, there is a character list that will prepare you for certain personality quirks! Yay!! Plus, double yay, a glossary at the front, not the back after the book is finished! That being said, these books really need to be read in order, so you can build your understanding of this Creamery world.

Brynn Haywood, Dawn’s best friend and college roommate, flees to Chatham after waking up married to a near-stranger, something the “Sensible Sisters” would never, ever do in their wildest dreams. Yet, Brynn has committed the deed and is now mortified. Dawn, an inveterate “fixer,” spends her energy plotting how to get Brynn’s marriage annulled, even as Dawn frets over infertility issues of her own.

This book sees the ultimate planner, Dawn, pitted uncomfortably against her more easy-going, empathetic, listener mother, Marnie. Some of the conflict we saw between the two in book one is back in play as Dawn is bound and determined to “take care of things.” Marnie urges Brynn to slow down and listen to her heart. What does Brynn really want?

To add to this initial situation, Linc’s family is coming to town for his daughter’s wedding. Linc is not acting like the Linc we know, but possibly like he described himself in the past. What exactly is up with that?

When the family arrives, the ex is making the wedding a circus, and it will take all hands on deck to pull it off. Not only that, but Bear, the son, is the epitome of what his father used to be: concerned only about himself, too busy for others, unkind, just not the kind of person you want to be around at all! And he holds a giant grudge against his father and Marnie and anyone Linc helps.

If you’re not salivating for ice cream ( double fold vanilla, esp.) by the end of this book, you either aren’t human, or you may have read way too fast!

I received a copy of this book from Revell Reads via NetGalley. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“even the best marriage requires forgiveness. And forgiveness takes practice. It comes in fits and starts. It’s a lifelong work. Sometimes I think we’re all beginners at it. But as long as you’re trying to forgive, you’re forgiving. It’s only when we don’t even try that bitterness sets in.” [ What wonderful advice!]

“I am turning into, Heaven save me, my mother.” -[How many of us think this might be a fate worse than death?!!]

“Most problems could be solved, as long as they were addressed and not ignored. If you ignored a problem, you’d regret it. And if you didn’t, the Internal Revenue Service would help you regret it.” [Just one reason in the book to laugh!]

“Giving thanks was the lifeboat in any crisis.” ( )
  Becky_L | May 29, 2024 |
Love on a Whim by Suzanne Woods Fisher is the third book in the Cape Cod Creamery Series, although it is only the second book that I’ve read in this series, but it was as excellent as The Secret to Happiness (book two).... I still need to read book one, The Sweet Life.

Fisher has a well rounded group of characters. In Love on a Whim we get to know the previous characters even more and are introduced to some new ones. Brynn is a wonderful contrast to Dawn and Callie, and helped to tone down some of how annoying (at least to me) Dawn was at times in this story. If Dawn hadn’t grown a bit in this book, I would have given it one less star… here’s hoping what happens to her by the end of the book makes her mellow out in future books.

With the beautiful location of Cape Cod, the drool worthy occupations (ice cream shop, cooking school, and bakery), and being a fast read with the perfect amount of romance this makes for a great Christian book to take to the beach with you this summer! ( )
  KimHeniadis | May 29, 2024 |
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Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. Brynn Haywood's impulsive decision to marry a man she barely knows sends her fleeing to her best friend's home in Cape Cod. With Dawn's support, maybe Brynn can fix the mess she's made. But a new crisis calls for her helpand unexpectedly brings her face to face with her new husband.

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