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Oddbird's Chosen Family

von Derek Desierto

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812,218,066 (4.83)Keine
Wishing for a family, Oddbird, who has always been on his own, discovers that all families don't look the same, and sometimes the families we choose are where we belong.
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Between dad jokes, colorful friends, and the desire to belong, this is a read to enjoy from beginning to end.

Oddbird is off to visit his friend, meets the family, and has a really good time. When he leaves and walks home alone, he realizes that he doesn't have a family and is alone. Just when he realizes how sad he is, something amazing happens.

This book is the second surrounding Oddbird stories and works perfectly fine as a stand alone. Oddbird is a small, gray bird, who has a good heart, is kind, and values his friends. His 'drab' coloring clashes with the colorful birds surrounding him, but he's adorable in his uniqueness.

It's easy to identify with him as he visits his friend's family, especially thanks to the awkward beginning moments. This will ring familiar with many readers, who go to their friends' houses for the first time. The addition of terrible Dad jokes slides in a fun quirkiness to add smiles. But then, even the sadder, loneliness Oddbird feels afterwards doesn't last long before the positive atmosphere kicks in again.

The text is age appropriate and makes a nice read-aloud, while the illustrations are bright and bold and enjoyable. It's a cute read with a lovely message. I received a DRC and rooted for Oddbird from the very first page. ( )
  tdrecker | May 10, 2024 |
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Wishing for a family, Oddbird, who has always been on his own, discovers that all families don't look the same, and sometimes the families we choose are where we belong.

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Durchschnitt: (4.83)
4.5 1
5 2

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