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Multiple Choice

von Claire Cook

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2436114,597 (3.21)8
Fiction. Literature. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

There was a time when March Monroe thought that she and her daughter, Olivia, would never really cut the cord. They’d just upgrade to a wireless connection. Now, Olivia is heading off to college, and March hasn’t even told her that she’s decided to continue her own higher education. So it’s hard to say who’s more shocked when they run into each other at a local radio station where, it turns out, they’re both student interns. Adding to the fireworks are a fourteen-year-old son who probably won’t be speaking to March for much longer, a slightly tired marriage, a midlife crush, and a quantum-physics class that just might put March over the edge.

This new novel from the author of Must Love Dogs is an effervescent story of family life that will strike a chord with women of all ages. Required reading!

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I wish I could give half stars. I'd go 1.5 with this book. I finished it but it wasn't satisfying. It seemed like it would have been a better short story/novella then a book. Just left me high and dry with no real finish. I wouldn't recommend this one and I don't have any desire to read more of her books. ( )
  Stacie-C | May 8, 2021 |
This book was just OK. I listened to the audio book, and enjoyed Carrington MacDuffie's smooth narration. The plot was somewhat predictable, but took an interesting approach to the mother/daughter dynamic. What would it be like to work with your mom? Ack!

Some of the book was just plain implausible, however, like the fact that after about 30 seconds of interning, mother and daughter were given their own radio show. Huh? ( )
  jatrees | Apr 7, 2009 |
This is a very funny book, I really enjoyed reading it. The author doesn't always say out loud what she thinks but you get to read what she is thinking and what she is thinking is will make you laugh out load. ( )
1 abstimmen klmorr | May 26, 2008 |
I absolutely loved this book! It was sweet, realistic, and at times had me laughing out loud. Claire Cook really knows how to hit close to home without making her characters seem fake or strained. ( )
  fotograficmind | Sep 1, 2007 |
A mother and her teenage daugher are simultaneously attending different colleges but end up working together at the same radio station, much to the daughter's dismay. A pleasant, humorous story told from the point of view of the 40-something mom, who's trying to decide what she wants to do with her life, now that her kids are almost grown. Several interesting secondary characters are well-drawn and add to the overall enjoyment of the story. ( )
  dbartlett | Dec 30, 2006 |
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Fiction. Literature. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

There was a time when March Monroe thought that she and her daughter, Olivia, would never really cut the cord. They’d just upgrade to a wireless connection. Now, Olivia is heading off to college, and March hasn’t even told her that she’s decided to continue her own higher education. So it’s hard to say who’s more shocked when they run into each other at a local radio station where, it turns out, they’re both student interns. Adding to the fireworks are a fourteen-year-old son who probably won’t be speaking to March for much longer, a slightly tired marriage, a midlife crush, and a quantum-physics class that just might put March over the edge.

This new novel from the author of Must Love Dogs is an effervescent story of family life that will strike a chord with women of all ages. Required reading!


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Durchschnitt: (3.21)
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3 18
3.5 4
4 8
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5 4

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