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You Can't Move a Hippo

von Michael Catchpool

Weitere Autoren: Rosalind Beardshaw (Illustrator)

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1533184,862 (4.25)Keine
You won't shift a hippo if it don't want to go, and that's a fact. So how on earth are the jungle animals going to get this lazy hippo to move from the bridge? Lion, monkey and warthog try to order, push and bounce him off, but it's a little mouse who holds the key to shifting this hippo.
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Imposible mover a un hipopótamo si él no quiere hacerlo, y esto es una verdad indiscutible. Y entonces, ¿Cómo rayos van a hacer los animales de la selva para que este perezoso hipopótamo se mueva del puente? Un león, un mono y un jabalí le dan ordenes, tratan de empujarlo y lanzarlo fuera del puente… ¡pero es un ratoncito quien tiene la clave para mover al hipopótamo! Una encantadora historia sobre bondades de los buenos modales.
  EnidRodriguez151855 | Mar 18, 2022 |
Review: This book is about a giant hippo who is taking a nap on a nice sunny bridge. A lion comes and wants to cross the bridge but the hippo is in the way. The parrot warned him that he will not be able to move him. The lion did not believe the parrot, so the lion yelled at the hippo to move but the hippo did not move. A monkey comes and wants to cross the bridge too. The parrot warns the monkey and lion that the hippo will not move but they don't believe him so they try pushing the lion off the bridge but he does not move. A warthog comes and wants to cross the bridge but the hippo is in the way. The parrot warns them for a third time that the hippo will not move. They do not listen so they decide to jump on the bridge. When they jump on the bridge the hippo flies into the air and lands on the bridge and flings the other animals straight into the river. A little mouse comes and tells the other animals that he will get the hippo to move. He walks up to the hippo and quietly whispers in his ear "Please!" and the hippo moves.

Genre: Modern Fantasy
Genre Critique: The book is a fantasy book because the characters in the story have human like characteristics. The animals can talk to each and they can think and have feelings. Also in the story all the different animals get along. In real life different animals would not get along like this because some of the animals are predators to each other. ( )
  katherine.fuller | Nov 20, 2012 |
You Can’t Move a Hippo!
By: Michael Catchpool

Summary: This story is about a lion, monkey, warthog, and parrot trying to get a sleeping hippo, which is blocking a bridge, to move out of their way. They try to order, push, and bounce him off. None of their tactics work. Then along comes a mouse who whispers “Please!” into the hippo’s ear. The hippo yawned, stretched and got up. And he and the mouse wandered off across the bridge side-by-side.

Personal Reflection: My son and I love this book! It has a great message and wonderful illustrations. Each page looks like an animated painting.

Classroom Extension Ideas: This book is a great way to teach children that in order to get what you want from someone you should always be polite. I would talk to my students about the power and importance of manners. ( )
  KaseyDawson | Sep 12, 2011 |
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Michael CatchpoolHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Beardshaw, RosalindIllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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You won't shift a hippo if it don't want to go, and that's a fact. So how on earth are the jungle animals going to get this lazy hippo to move from the bridge? Lion, monkey and warthog try to order, push and bounce him off, but it's a little mouse who holds the key to shifting this hippo.

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